3 yr old smoking weed

This is so disturbing! I was on fb today n there's a pic of a little boy who has to be at least 3 smoking weed. I seriously want to report this to dss or someone. What would u all do?


  • was it a friend of yours' son?
  • Why don't you start by reporting the picture to Facebook?
  • edited March 2013
    Report the picture to the police before its taken down even if u dont know who it is they could look into it if they see who's page it's on?
  • I would report to authorities. Sorry but that's just unacceptable.
  • I'd definitely contact cps if it was a personal friends photo. If it was a shared pic, report it, though Fb will likely not take action. They get millions of reports per day.
  • I would report it to authorities for sure but don't report to facebook yet if that's what u want to do cause once its taken down no one else will be able to see or try figure out where it came from in first place. Is it someone u know? That would be hard situation to be in for sure
  • Why WOULDNT you report it?!
  • I don't care if it was my bff's son, that's a child's safety you are talking about, and it wouldn't be a "hard" situation at all.
  • @joshneviesmum no he's not my friend, just an acquaintance n no the little boy is not my child

    @adriens_mommy I got a screen shot just in case he deletes it

    @captivated I called a social worker I knew n she said she would call me back but didn't so I'm calling the main office when I get home

    @jules I don't know him like that but I don't care if I did it's unacceptable!
  • I would report that quick
  • I agree it really isn't I was just saying it would suck be in that position if it was good friend but at the end of the day the kids safety is most important I hope someone can help u out soon! I'm glad u called it sucks someone didn't call right back I would even call the cops to just ask what else u can do in that kind of situation? Keep us posted
  • @jules thanks hon. I will n yeah it sucks bc that's her job n she didn't follow back up.
  • Ya I hope she has good reason for not calling back. Were u able to get a hold of someone else
  • @jules I'm actually at the hospital with my friend. She's 37 weeks n is really sick so I had to take her to the hospital. I'll be calling tomorrow.
  • Oh no I hope she gets better soon. :( and the baby is safe and good luck tom hoepfully someone can help since its saturday
  • oh gosh, no, i never thought it was your son. I was just wondering if it was somebody you knew personally or if it was one of those pictures thst gets shared all over fb...and im glad youre reporting it, its absolutely sickening, that poor child.
  • There was just a huge story about a mother who posted a video of her 18no old girl smoking weed from a bong. She has lost custody. Despicable
  • How stupid are these people!? For one it's stupid to let your kids smoke anything, for two it's stupid to post it on facebook! I hope the authorities can do something.
  • Exactly @wilsomom. How dumb can you be? You really think no one would report it?? And two, drug use is against facebook photo policy. So of course something is going to be said eventually. How could anyone even validate these actions?
  • I just seen a report on the news of a mother making her child hit a bong. The child is in cps. They found all kinds of plants and guns at the location. Not sure if its the same person
  • These stories are just soo sad they make me want to cry!
  • This makes me sick.....Sad excuse for human beings or better yet PARENTS
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