
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
my ob wants me to till 4 yrs but im thinkon 2 .... How long does everyone plan to brestfeed


  • Yikes 4 yrs? I plan on breastfeedin til around 6 mnths n thn slowly switching to bf n formula. Idk I think once the teeth come the booby goes away lol
  • 3 months I work full time and its over an hour away from when my child will be in daycare at
  • Thats.what I said but he said pump and wen I switch off bottles to sippy cups sill give them the saved milk
  • 4yrs Omg hell no! I'm going to try for 6 to 9 months. But I'm also ok with the fact if I physically can't breastfeed since I have super sensitive nips. But I will try my hardest. If I can't I don't mind going to a bottle tho as long as baby is happy and healthy. But 4yrs is way too long. I would think the kid would be too emotionally attached to u and be clinging to u all the time. U sure ur OB didn't say 4 months lol ?
  • I breast fed my don only to 3 months cuz my milk ran out. I plan on breastfeeding this one at least 6 months.
  • I unfortunately have never been able to make it past 3months :( watevr u feel comfortable wit I say.I had a friend not friends anymore she did it till we stopped talking and her daughter was almost 2.honestly that was a yr ago she probley still is doing it.alot of ppl thought it was weird I say to each his own u go as long as u and baby r happy.I don't like to put a time limit or anything I just go as long as I can.good luck mommies
  • 4 years is insane. 1 year is ideal and there is not much good it does after a year that whole milk will not equal. But its really for as long as your comfortable I did for 9 months and then he got teeth. He's perfectly healthy.
  • Yea he said four yrs because the longer its done the healthier the baby will be to comon colds and illnesses
  • 4 years is a little awkward! I breastfed my second daughter until she was 16 months and that was even to the point where it was getting weird. I wanted to stop when she turned just took longer than I expected to get her off of it. She got so emotionally wasnt even like she wanted it because she was hungry.
  • I will prob till one and still pump when I switch the baby to a bottle. I want others to be able to bond and feed.the baby also
  • At least a year is the current recommendation by American Pediatrics blah blah. I hope 2 do it for 18 months or 2 yrs. 4 yrs is normal in other countries, but really seems pushing it when we have a good food supply in America. I plan 2 pump & freeze as well so Hubby/family/babysitter can help out & so I can wrk when I'm ready. FYI, My SIL still gives her toddlers breastmilk when they get sick.
  • I plan for at least a year. Have u girls seen the video in youtube called "extraordinary breastfeeding"? About a mother still breastfeeding both of her daughters that are the age of 5 and 8.
  • 6months is what I'm tryin for. Me n baby have been home about 5 days. I feel like a cow, milking myself every 3 hours. It hurts like crap to if u dont pump or feed when ever the baby is hungry. Ur boobs will be so engorged. But my nutritionalist says a year is the norm. But I figure at 6 months a baby will want cereal, n baby food anyway
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