i hate doing laundry!

Its the story of my life. There only 3 of us. I have like a mountain of clothes to wash.... WTH.... My hubby promised he would help yesterday and he didn't. It didn't even get started on yesterday...smh


  • I don't mind putting it to wash, I just HATE putting it away lol
  • I hear ya!! I feel like laundry is never done around here! I do load after load, and still have a ton.
  • I hate washing with a passion lol.
  • I don't mind laundry at all. At our old house I had an actual laundry room & made a family closet in it which was real nice, but at this house the washer & dryer is off of the kitchen so it's not as convenient. My saying around here is 4 loads by 4.
  • Also, I hang everything except socks, undies & pj's.
  • I love laundry! But I loved keep things clean it like gives me peace at heart and laundry does it best. And the only thing I don't really like is loading the dish washer and my hubby doesn't mind so we have like our own little chores.
  • Its such a hassle for me to do laundry. First, I have to carry it down the stairs outside to our washer. Second after its done washing it has to be loaded up taken to the dryers up the road. We don't own a dryer yet. Finally carried back upstairs to fold it. Sometimes it doesn't make up stair. ESP with be being prego. Eventually hubby gets tired of me begging to carry the clothes up and he does. by that time the baskets are half empty. @wilsomom @jules @perly @Ashley_smashly
  • Oh yeah, that sounds like a pain in the butt! Hit up freecycle & ask for a dryer...it's worked for me before.
  • Never heard of them. I'm about to Google them now.@wilsomom
  • Oh yeah, hopefully they're in your area, they're awesome!
  • oh ya freecycler I put a lot of stuff up there before especially baby clothe I didn't want to save and stuff when we moved. U never know someone might put dryer I I would if I had one I didn't need. Good luck!
  • I dnt mind doing it its only 2 loads once a wk I hate washing dishes
  • @roxy with a baby? only two loads?
    How do you wash? lol.
    My husband and i have like 5 loads put together.
    I separate all my clothes by color and then a whole separate load for his work clothes.
  • I had like 14loads including towels,bed sheets
  • My husband and I split laundry. He loads washer, I put in drier & fold. He puts clothes away. So I don't mind doing it.
    @perly I have 2 babies and I only have 3 (maybe 4 If I'm lazy) loads a week. I wash my husband and mine together. Both the kids clothes together. And then towels/sheets/left over items.
  • I do 4 loads a day 6 days a week!
  • I separate mine by person and do each person's stuff once a week. My bf usually has 2 load on Monday, Tessa has one load on Tuesday ( usually only every other Tuesday), and I have 2 loads on Wednesday. And then I combine all of our whites and do them whenever. Towels are done every other week. We never have a ton of laundry but then again I'm a firm believer in "just because you wore it, doesn't mean it's dirty". Tops, pants, pjs, jeans, and towels are always used more than once in my house. The only exceptions are my bfs work clothes and our workout clothes.
  • edited March 2013
    @1stwoodsbaby i wash our clothes together too. Only his work clothes i wash separately because they have dirt. But i separate by colors. The black clothes is one load, the white clothes is another load, the colored clothes is another load, the jeans are another load, and then his work clothes is another load.
  • Sheets and towels i wash every other week or as needed. I have a bunch of bed sheets and towels so i can go a while without washing. Towels are also used more than once in my house too.
  • edited March 2013
    I have 2sets of sheets 12 towels and 3 beach towels. My hubby thinks he has to get a new towel everytime he showers. I tell him everytime to hang it up. I firm believer also wearing things more than once. Its just getting everyone else on the same page. @perly @starxoxo9 @1stwoodsbaby I make hubby take it to the dryer. Its to much lifting for me as of right now. But I do wash it and fold it.
  • @perly I separate whites and color and that's two loads lol its only 3 of us and I'm a stay at home mom so me and my son dnt go any wear just hubby wrks so its not much clothes
  • also use a towel more then once also^^^^
  • @roxy lol. Its the same with me, hubby's work clothes is the biggest load.
    I separate the clothes like that because my stepmom washes like that and when i was younger, she would make me and her daughters separate all the clothes that way. She separates the clothes a lot too. For her, all the grey clothes are a whole load too. I don't do that. Almost all my grey clothes is hubby's work shirts, so they just go in with his work clothes.
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