
I found out i was pregnant again Friday and i have an 18 month old.. ive been really sad today bc my son is gna have to grow up fast soon bc we r having another baby... im gonna work on potty training ive got to get him sleeping in his own bed and stuff like that.. is it normal to feel sad about that kind of stuff


  • I think its normal, I have a 17mo and when I found out I was pregnant I felt sad too, I felt like I was taking away from his "baby time". But then I started to be happy when I realized he will have a life long companion in his sibling.
  • You will feel.better with time. :)
  • Yeah, I understand what you mean. And really, you don't have to rush things if you don't want...I've had up to 3 in diapers before. I've also heard of families that have a "family bed" where more than 1 sleeps with their parents or in their room. I don't personally do that, but some think it's great so if all else fails you could try it. I always try to think of each new blessing as a welcome addition to the family, not the center of it, if that makes sense. Don't stress about getting everything changed around for the baby, but gently adding a baby to your normal family life. I'm sorry if that sounds weird, I don't know how to explain very well. Lol Hopefully it will help you feel a little better.
  • Its going to be okay babies are such blessing and now ur lo will always have someone to play with talk to always have best friend. I'm not sure if u been ttc but my hubby and I are and for me its hard because each day and month goes by without being pregnant is longer time that my kids will be further in age and I've always wanted them close. Think of those positive things and slowely the other things won't be as hard to face and take things day by day working on the bed transtition and u have few months before worrying about the potty training they pick it up pretty fast. My mom taught everyone in two days, well my brother took 3 she did it with her friend and her kids they read a book together that told them what to do and it worked with all kids! And congrats by the way :)
  • my daughter is 18 months and i flt sad sometimes too but then im happy im having a baby boy this time and shes having a baby brother so she still the queen :)
  • My daughter was 3 months old when I found out I was pregnant again. I was sooooo upset. Like wouldn't talk about the pregnancy, didn't look at ultrasounds, I didn't tell a single person (other than husband) until I was 20 weeks along. But I had to get over it eventually. Now my daughter loves her brother. They laugh & play & love being around each other. It makes me happy knowing they'll always have someone there for them. They are so close. It does take away from the first child's baby time, but it is sooooo sweet to see them try to help with the new baby. Keegan loves helping get Troy dressed and tries to change his diaper & knows to get the burpie when he spits up. It's just sweet.
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