Transitioning BACK to crib

edited March 2013 in Sleep
So my 17mo old was a GREAT crib sleeper up until mid December when he had a febrile seizure and I was too scared to put him back in his crib, especially because he had the seizure while sleeping in his crib, so he has been sleeping with me and has been sleeping on the couch, yes you read right. He has been sleeping on the couch for the past 3mo. He hasn't complained though.

But that's not the problem. I knew I had to put him back in his crib, especially because baby 2.0 is coming at the end of June and I can't have 2 babies in the bed! So I decided tonight was the night and it went horrible. He cried for 10 min straight to the point where his hair was soaked in tears and I cried too! I gave in and now he's in bed with me. Mad as heck at me because he won't even look at me, it breaks my heart.

What is the best way to go about this? Someone please help! :(


  • Maybe you can start with naps during the day in the crib. Also try putting him to bed a tad bit earlier than usual (so he's not tired & fussy) & give him a small box of special toys that he only gets to play with in bed. Maybe that will keep him busy until he falls asleep or at least get him used to being in the crib for a while.
  • I'm with @wilsomom don't wait until his cranky from being tired put him down right when u think his starting to get tired I do that with my daughter and she doesn't make one little noise at all. And when I wait longer she usually cries for like 5 minutes. But other then that I'm not sure how long he was crying for but u might have to go back to the basics put him in then if he cries go back in after 5 minutes comfort him then put him back. If he keeps crying go back in 5 more minutes do the same thing. Then after that wait little bit longer but it shouldn't take more then that before they naturally are just tired. This is what I did with my daughter only took one night and she puts herself to sleep usually without any crying or noises at all and she sleeps 13 hours every night. But I also have good evening routine which includes bath so she's usually worn out from playing and the bath relaxes her. I know its hard see ur little one cry and its ok that some people don't want to do this route. However don't give up on whatever u choice to do bc one thing I notice is once ur little has good night sleep and has good routine they have such better day which is great for them and u but they also tend to explore more therefore learn more bc they are happy and rested. It will be ok just don't give up!
  • Girl im right there with you!!! I can get her in her crib but only for like an hour or 2 before she wakes up. We live on the 3rd story of an apartment complex so im paranoid that the neighbors under us will get mad.
  • My 17mo sleeps in a toddler bed
  • @wilsomom I work full time Mon thru Fri so the only time I would be able to do that is on the weekends and I don't think we'll make much progress with only doing it on the weekends :(

    @Jules I will try the comforting thing after a few min of crying, it just breaks my heart to hear him cry when all he wants to do is be near me :(

    @morgdeebee does she stop crying if you put her in your bed? Ugh, I don't know where to even start!
  • Have you tried letting him fall asleep in your bed and then moving him? Or if there is room, set the crib up right beside your bed, so he can see you but he'll get used to the crib, or go ahead an transition to a toddler bed and pat him to sleep (it's much easier to sit by the little bed and pat than it is to lean over the crib.
  • @kimberly4411 I was actually thinking of moving him to the crib once he fell asleep but was worried he would wake up in the middle of the night screaming but I actually might try that. And yes you are so right about it being easier to sit on the bed, I am 6mo pregnant and leaning over his crib yesterday was hurting my belly, I will talk to my bf about converting his crib to the toddler bed and see what he thinks. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • Good luck! Even though we did let her cry when she was littler (it only took one night) if her sleep schedule were to get messed up now at 17m I don't think letting her cry would work, she would get too worked up. And I think it would alter her trust in me if that makes since.
  • @kimberly4411 yes I definitely get it, that's what I am scared of. :(
  • Well its worth a try like I said that's what worked for my daughter and only took one night and she doesn't even cry now or nothing she just knows it bed time and same with naps. I don't know if I would convert the crib yet though they are still young and I know my daughter the moment she knew I wasn't in there she would be up messing with all the stuff or come out to find me I would be too worried she get hurt.
  • Try to move him after he falls asleep, if he only sleeps a few hours in the crib that's fine, hopefully he'll slowly start sleeping longer and longer. Make sure if you have a noisemaker and night lite in your room that it's the same in his. This weekend when you don't have to work, keep setting him back in his crib after he falls asleep. Also if he sleeps on a pillow in your bed make sure he has one, Madison loves her pillow
  • @excitedforoctober yes as soon as so crawls in our bed she is sound asleep. We let her fall asleep in our bed then move her to her bed.
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