when to become concerned?

My daughter had a stomach bug last weekend she threw up (more like spit up) milk twice had no appetite and was lazy compared to usual. I got the bug monday and we were back to normal Tuesday. ..we got ready for church this morning and she started puking like crazy all her milk...shes thrown up about 4 times and has dry heaved a couple time...shes sleeping and her temo is 99...she will not eat or drink at all so when do I need to be concerned enough to take her to the urgent care bc I dont want to just run off to the er and put her through all the stress unless absolutely needed.


  • She needs to at least have fluids. If she keeps refusing fluids then you will need to take her in because she might dehydrate.
  • Thats what I was guessing...about how long would you think? Im going to try to get her to drink and eat when she wakes up
  • I've been told to watch for signs of dehydration such as inside of mouth feels sticky not wet, no tears when crying, eyes look sunken, not peed in a while, pale mottled skin. These mean intervention is needed.
  • Last time my son caught the bug he threw up everytime we gave him anything. We were trying pedialyte in small sips but he just threw it up. He got really tired looking and pale so we took him to the hospital. He'd puked maybe seven or eight times... it was awful cuz he started at my apartment and our water heater was broken so I had to take him to my moms and it just kept going. It was only two hours before he looked super pale and tired looking and I got scared.
    If you take her in, depending on her age, they might give her something for the nausea and they'll have her drink some pedialyte. The unflavored pedialyte tastes so nasty btw, maybe take your own. Idk ur case, but I had some apple juice flavored pedialyte the nurse let my son drink instead of the one they provided.
  • How long has it been since she had any food or liquids? If i were you, i'd just go in. If she's not dehydrated, maybe they'll give her something for the nausea so she can start keeping liquids down until the bug passes.
    But its your call.
  • If she is not having pee diapers, that is a cause for concern. She doesnt have a fever which is good. right now I would not take her in. Call tomorrow for an appt with the ped.
  • Id give her pedilight so she doesn't dehydrate and alternate Motrin and advil 99 isnt serious but if gets higher call the doc
  • Maybe try freezing the pedialyte into popsicles & see if she tolerates it better that way. And just offer teeny tiny sips once every 15 minutes...only clear liquids for 24 hours too. I hope that helps. Sorry she's so sick!
  • Thanks everyone for the advice...when she woke up she drank most of a sippy cup and ate some applesauce and went back to sleep...shes been up for about 30 mins and seems fine besides not being as active as usual
  • Oh that's good. Just keep up with the bland foods & clear liquids for a while until it's for sure gone. So glad she's getting better.
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