Ultrasound! *great news!*
Is tomorrow at 0800! Checking for a heartbeat this time and extremely nervous. Though with all of the throwing up, I'm sure everything is going normally. Also will be talking about getting set up with a zofran pump, so wish me luck!
@Jules, thanks!
In the car riding with the hubs to work so I can take the truck back to go to my appointment. I'll probably be about 30-45 min early, but my son and I will probably get some breakfast first. I'm not as nervous as I was. With all of my miscarriages I wouldn't have any pregnancy symptoms or they would fade/go away prior to the loss. My symptoms are full speed. Sore and full breasts, mood swings, cravings and frequent urination. This little monster that is sucking every ounce of strength and energy has to be growing. The Ob didn't sound positive last appointment. Pretty much expecting to find a loss. Would love to prove her wrong.
Thanks @hope_4_baby_boy !