For those who've had an epidural...

edited March 2013 in Health
Did you have any bad side affects later on? What did you like/dislike about it? Do you recommend it to newly pregnant women?

Levi is 9.5 months old now. At his 6 month check up I too had my check up. When the Dr pushed on my spine he asked "does this hurt" my reaction was no, however it did feel bruised. The next few weeks following that I had noticed it more and more. When I asked hubby if by chance I had a bruise he told me no. But he told me that is where my epidural was. So the only side affect I've had from it is a spot that feels bruised. I didn't notice it until I continued losing weight tho so that could be why I feel it more? I was 150 when I had him. Didn't feel the bruising until he was 6 months and at that point I had lost 25lbs and since then I've lost another 10 so I just wondering if I feel it because I'm petite? I don't really have anyone my size that's had one that I could ask.

I recommend it to everyone. I know I'm a pain pussy and couldn't have done labor and delivery without it. Levi was facing the wrong way which caused excruciating back labor and I had to be cut. Don't know how ppl do it without it!

What I hated and the only thing I hated about it... Obviously my legs were paralyzed. During sleep I always roll around and lift my legs over pillows and things. So with the epidural I couldn't do that which made me so uncomfortable it took me along time to fall asleep. And hubby had to continuously lift my legs back up with I would push them off the bed! Lol


  • All I can say is I think an epidural,is a gift from god lol the only downside to getting one in my book was waiting till the numbness wore off so I could get up and walk around,but that's about 24 hours or less. I can't imagine giving birth without one. I know women do it,but that pain,you can't even imagine until your expieriencing it. I am getting an epidural this birth,and I will with any future children.
  • I loved it I think a lot has to do with whose doing it. The guy that did mine was friend and amazing he put it in I didn't even feel a think, then it was working right away equally numb on both sides no issues, then as soon as my daughter was out since I don't tear they just turned it off cleaned me up and once she was ready to go I was able to get up and go to the wheel chair to get to the recovery room on my own once I was there I took shower on my own. well my husband was in bathroom just in case. I know girl that had side effects like u described but I loved it! I guess you can call your doc back about it if it's really bothering you.
  • I would recommend getting one to anyone who asked me! I loved it and had and have no complaints. I went into labor knowing I wanted an epidural as soon as I could so I didn't traumatize myself from having more babies because of labor pain. I got mine when I was 3cm dilated and I had the most peaceful and smoothest labor ever. Layed and watched tv, napped and by the time I woke up it was time to push. I will definitely get it again with this baby as soon as I can. Yes it was annoying that my legs literally felt like dead tree stumps but thats a very little price to pay in my mind :)
  • @Jules it's not so much that it's bothering me. it's just there. It could be wise so I'm thankful it's the only side affect i had. I liked the guy who did mine I barely felt it and worked right away. But the wearing off post took long er for me. They turned mine off during labor. but it didn't wear pdf till morning I woke up about 630. Went to bed still numb at 330.
    @excitedforoctober that was my logic as well get it as soon as I could.they told me I needed half a bag of Iv before I could so then I got it! I didn't want to traumatize myself either for the next time lol.
  • I had a epi and loved it !!
  • I've heard about the IV before too but I don't remember getting mine before my epidural, but maybe I just don't remember lol
  • I got it and i had no side effects at all. I was actually up and walking later that night.
    Im due in a few weeks and Im planning on getting it again.

    The only side effect i've heard people complain about is back pain during cold weathers. I did have back pain for few months after, but after being seen by the massage therapist at my job, he said that my back pain was completely unrelated to the epidural. He worked on my leg and pelvis and my back pain stopped.
  • edited March 2013
    My first 2 daughters were all natural, bad back labor but short and sweet 2 weeks early. My last daughter who will be a year on Tuesday, was overdue, induced and with an epi. I liked that it took the pain away for my last 10 hours of 16 for pain but, I will never get one again unless absolutely necessary! They missed the first two times, kicked my SO out of the room gave me an 80 pound girl to hold on to. I had no after affect or problems but was very traumatic for me.
  • Mine only worked for a couple hours and completely stopped working after that. :(
  • My back was soar for like 2 weeks but that was it. I actually hated that I got one only because I couldnt move I hate laying around. Also I had the shivers really bad and got them worst during my c-section but I think it also had to do with me being nervous about having a c-section. Other then that no complaints about it.
  • I liked mine! I couldn't feel my legs and thought I was slipping off the bed lol I made my hubby "hold" me up. Lmao every time the nurse came in a freaked out explaining that I couldn't feel my legs but other than that I loved it
  • I had a spinal headache a few hours after it was removed (w my second) and it lasted a few days even after 3 blood patches to try to fix it (it was a nightmare). It was pretty bad but I chose an epidural again with my third and was fine. There r always risks.
  • Well the good part its not bad right now maybe just call the doc just in case u don't want it to get worst especially if there's something simple they can do to fix it.
  • I had no bad side effects with the epadurial. The one that I will rather feel the full on csection is the spinal I will never again go thru that dam pain and
  • Epi with my first, no side effects at all. Spinal with my second (scheduled c section), again no side effects what so ever
  • @sands3 @cant_wait93
    What's the difference between epidural and spinal.
  • I don't think there really is a difference. Just different names
  • Wait...... you SLEPT during labor? Lol. Man, what was I doing wrong?! Sorry, just had to comment on that!
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  • i had an epi and thanked the good lord when they finally 'allowed' me to get it. i wanted it at like 930am (they started pit at 0730) but since i wasn't at 4cm my dr refused to order it. i got it at 1215pm, took an almost 3 hr nap, started pushing at 330, dillon was born at 414pm and i was up and walking to the bathroom at 630pm. i didn't feel a thing when i got it, although i will say i was super cold...i could still move my legs although it was tough, didn't feel a thing during birth, and didn't feel anything during the 45 mins it took to stitch my lady parts up from tearing. i have not ever had any problems since and dillon's 18 mos now.
  • I had one with my first child n they messed up had to redo it and gave me spinal headache for the first week which was the worst headache in the world made me really nauseous
    I had a natural birth with my second child n absolutely loved the experience
  • I was cold too but that was from the ivs. I was shaky from the epidural like many ppl get but they were puttin the ivs in me so fast that I got really cold
  • Unfortunately, my first one with my daughter was not effective.

    With my son, it worked great. I still felt my let's and was able to move them and lift them up to assist me with pushing.

    I've had no long term issues from them. I experienced some soreness for the first couple of weeks, but that was it. I plan to get it again with this one.
  • The spinal sleeps your whole body. And the epadurial is the bottom. And the worst side effect with the spinal was the ichiness! Oh god sooo much ichiness!
  • edited March 2013
    I had an epidural with both births but I could swear it didnt do a single thing after the first hour or so , I was in so much pain , I wanted to scream but I didn't have the strength to do even that lmao. Ooh I'm so glad I didn't felt any itchiness, I guess I was so focused on the pain and been mean to my husband that I didn't feel anything else lol, no long term effects either. :)
  • I loved mine!! I had/have no side affects. My lo is now almost 17m old. I will recommend it to everyone! I had no control over my right leg, I couldn't even lift it off the bed lol, but by the time we went to bed that night I was able to walk around by myself. I was 192 at delivery and have lost 36lbs since then.
  • I had spinal it doesn't numb your whole body. You still feel and move around ur chest and arms. By the time I was out of recovery I could sit up butnot walk for about twelve hours.
  • My first epi was nice, didnt really feel it go in. Numbed me up nice. My complaint was i got it to soon snd it started wearing off just before pushing, so i pushed button and got relief. But i couldnt walk, could/t even get jn the bed to go to postpartum room. Lol. My last one (3rd one) was the worst. I was in very active labor, in masive pain. Contractions coming a min apart and getting an epi was the worst. I got yelled at cuz it hurt so dam bad i couldnt be perfectly still. And it only worked for half my body. I was still in lots of pain. I couldnt imagine going through that again. Omg. Lol. I hope things work better for my last child.
  • I dont know if a lot of people know this but tearin is a side effect of the epidural because of the position u are forced to push in (on your back worst way ever) and the fact that you cannot fully feel your pushing or contractions making it almost impossible to control if you tear or not... I had an epi with my first 20 months ago and im STILL dealing with painful side effects in my back (nerve damage) from it and I tore horribly during birth (3 level 3 lacerations in my freakin hoohaa!!!) So needless to say i will not be getting an epi this go around.. just hypnobirthing ..I want to feel my baby come out , no numbing , I want the natural oxytocin release when he comes out which is usually numbed with any pain meds ...
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