For those who've had an epidural...
Did you have any bad side affects later on? What did you like/dislike about it? Do you recommend it to newly pregnant women?
Levi is 9.5 months old now. At his 6 month check up I too had my check up. When the Dr pushed on my spine he asked "does this hurt" my reaction was no, however it did feel bruised. The next few weeks following that I had noticed it more and more. When I asked hubby if by chance I had a bruise he told me no. But he told me that is where my epidural was. So the only side affect I've had from it is a spot that feels bruised. I didn't notice it until I continued losing weight tho so that could be why I feel it more? I was 150 when I had him. Didn't feel the bruising until he was 6 months and at that point I had lost 25lbs and since then I've lost another 10 so I just wondering if I feel it because I'm petite? I don't really have anyone my size that's had one that I could ask.
I recommend it to everyone. I know I'm a pain pussy and couldn't have done labor and delivery without it. Levi was facing the wrong way which caused excruciating back labor and I had to be cut. Don't know how ppl do it without it!
What I hated and the only thing I hated about it... Obviously my legs were paralyzed. During sleep I always roll around and lift my legs over pillows and things. So with the epidural I couldn't do that which made me so uncomfortable it took me along time to fall asleep. And hubby had to continuously lift my legs back up with I would push them off the bed! Lol
Levi is 9.5 months old now. At his 6 month check up I too had my check up. When the Dr pushed on my spine he asked "does this hurt" my reaction was no, however it did feel bruised. The next few weeks following that I had noticed it more and more. When I asked hubby if by chance I had a bruise he told me no. But he told me that is where my epidural was. So the only side affect I've had from it is a spot that feels bruised. I didn't notice it until I continued losing weight tho so that could be why I feel it more? I was 150 when I had him. Didn't feel the bruising until he was 6 months and at that point I had lost 25lbs and since then I've lost another 10 so I just wondering if I feel it because I'm petite? I don't really have anyone my size that's had one that I could ask.
I recommend it to everyone. I know I'm a pain pussy and couldn't have done labor and delivery without it. Levi was facing the wrong way which caused excruciating back labor and I had to be cut. Don't know how ppl do it without it!
What I hated and the only thing I hated about it... Obviously my legs were paralyzed. During sleep I always roll around and lift my legs over pillows and things. So with the epidural I couldn't do that which made me so uncomfortable it took me along time to fall asleep. And hubby had to continuously lift my legs back up with I would push them off the bed! Lol
@excitedforoctober that was my logic as well get it as soon as I could.they told me I needed half a bag of Iv before I could so then I got it! I didn't want to traumatize myself either for the next time lol.
Im due in a few weeks and Im planning on getting it again.
The only side effect i've heard people complain about is back pain during cold weathers. I did have back pain for few months after, but after being seen by the massage therapist at my job, he said that my back pain was completely unrelated to the epidural. He worked on my leg and pelvis and my back pain stopped.
What's the difference between epidural and spinal.
I had a natural birth with my second child n absolutely loved the experience
With my son, it worked great. I still felt my let's and was able to move them and lift them up to assist me with pushing.
I've had no long term issues from them. I experienced some soreness for the first couple of weeks, but that was it. I plan to get it again with this one.