So my baby shower is exactly in two weeks....

edited April 2013 in Baby showers
...and im starting to get nervous. I know everything will turn out fine, but im such a control freak. Im not gonna be calm until the whole thing is over with lol.

So Im helping out my mom throw my own shower(which i really don't care because its mainly to celebrate the new baby) and so far, everything is coming out as i want it too. I didn't register anywhere because i know my family and they won't use it, and because i already bought the most expensive stuff anyway. Im really just expecting to get lots of clothes, diapers, blankets and money. Works out fine because i already have a pack n play with the bassinet included, i have a small tub for showering, i have bottles and pacifiers, i have a breast pump and all the small little details needed, i also bought a whole bunch of receiving blankets and socks... lots of socks lol. I'll use whatever money i get to buy anything else i need.

Any advice on other things i should get??


  • Diaper cream, soaps and lotions, nipple cream if you plan on breastfeeding, and cloth diapers bc they are a lifesaver as burp dont have to worry about spit up leaking through like you do with regular burp clothes
  • edited April 2013
    Fingernail clippers , gas drops, bibs , tylenol/motrin, hats, mittens, nose sucker, thermometer, I got all this stuff for my shower thank god cuz I forgot about all of it lol !
  • edited April 2013
    @firsttimemommy0928 @mrz_jackson Good ideas! Im gonna see if get any of these items as gifts and if i don't, i'll use the money to buy them :)
  • Do a diaper raffle! Tell people that for every pack of diapers they bring they will get a raffle ticket. Make the prize something really nice like a $50 gift card to Victoria's Secret. I did this at my shower and got so many diapers in so many sizes that I DID NOT have to buy my son a single diaper until he was 5mo!
  • edited April 2013
    @frantastic but what if everyone brings a pack of diapers each??? lol. sounds like something my family would do. Which i wouldn't mind, but i would like other goodies lol.
  • I'm going through the same thing
  • Then you have tons of diapers, which you can never have to many of. For every pack people bring they get 1 raffle ticket, if its a tempting prize they might bring more than one pack to get more tickets. Having lots of diapers is a good thing. And people usually bring the diapers in addition to a gift.
  • With my diaper raffle it wasn't who brought the most that won, I drew a name at random. I did a few raffles and name drawings for prizes. What I did was have everyone fill out an envelope with their name and address and picked from those. And then when it was time to fill out thank you cards the envelopes were already addressed to everyone that attended!
  • @frantastic what i mean is that if i tell them about the raffle, i might not get anything else but diapers lol. And i would like to receive other gifts too, like clothes. I know my family sounds weird, but i just know how they are.
  • I did a diaper raffle as well. People brought both a gift and diapers.
  • @1stwoodsbaby i wish my family would do that. They're cheap lol
  • Mine is sat I can't wait. I know I'm getting a bassinet. Clothes. I'm really hoping for lots of diaper,wipes, bottles, bottle brushes,clothes. I have a good bit left from my son like bouncer ,swing ,bottle warmer, car seat stroller. Bottle rack. Lots more lol
  • @stephforever89 i hope i get some of that stuff too.
  • I think u should do the raffle for sure cause althought its nice to get other things diapers are much more expensive then those other things so if the get the diapers then u can save up some money to pick out ur own clothe from the money u would save from not having to buy diapers and plus u can always take some diapers back and exchange for other things u want u really would get more money that way for the other things. Bc if u know ur family doesn't want to spend much they could just go to small store and find sale and get little outfit for like $10 and u might not know where its from or have reciepe to take it back and diapers are easy to exchange I know walmart will take them all lol as long as there sitll closed bc they carry every brand imaginable.
  • @jules and i would do it, but Im having way too many guests that could bring me a lot of other useful stuff too (Im expecting at least 60 guests).
    Don't get me wrong, im aware that this is my baby and its still my responsibility to buy things for him but i know that if i don't do the raffle, my guest will bring me a variety of useful things like clothing, blankets, bottles, diapers, wipes, pacifiers and so on.
    Im really not picky when it comes to gifts but if i had to choose, i rather have a variety of things instead of than having 60+ boxes of diapers and nothing else. Besides, i can assure you that without the raffle im guaranteed to get at least 15 packs of diapers and that's not all that bad because any money i get i can also spend on diapers and it'll turn out the same kinda.
    My family's mentality is like that. If i tell them Im doing the raffle, all 60 of my guests will show up with a box of diapers lol.
  • Well hope it all works out u know them best sounds like it will be fun no matter what!
  • @jules thank you. I really hope it does :)
  • edited April 2013
    I did a raffle at my last shower my Grandma was the only one who bought diapers :( @Jules
  • @stephforever89 ya sometimes people don't really follow along well. I was registered at two places and I think only two people bought from the list and the weird part was the things they did buy were the few things I regestered that I just thought would be fun and cute not like absolutely needed. I wish people would have bought more diapers for sure!
  • @stephforever89 @jules yeah, i didn't do a registry either because my family will look completely past it. My family is old-fashioned mexican simple "get her whatever so it won't look like we just went to eat" kinda people lol. They are so weird. They see these kind of parties through some weird goggles or something lol. Im different went it comes to giving gifts. If there's a registry i definitely use it and if there isn't i give a good amount of money.
  • I know what u mean I had few peole like that at my shower for my daughter but my family is not like that at all they go out of their way to make sure they ask me exactly what we need or want in detail. The only person that's hard to deal with is my brothers wife she's one of those who will give just to get back and I hate that it actually makes me not want to give to her when I naturally love love giving gifts for every little thing lol. Her whole family is like that its compretition like we do this for u and see if u can do better for us next time can be soo uncomfortable. And now were pregnant at the same time she's 5 weeks ahead and I was looking forward to it until she turned it into competition too so I'm gonna give it space until she comes around and is ready to enjoy it ya know
  • edited April 2013
    @jules oh and if they have some kind of party before my baby shower, i better go to their party so they'll come to my baby shower because they will not show up otherwise. Mexican people are so weird lol. I probably sound mean and racist, but its so true lol.
  • Lol its not mean or racist u would know them better then me lol their ur family not mine. But I think some people are like that in general won't do something for u cause u didn't do it for them ya know.
  • @jules yeah you're right. I guess its still weird to me because even though i grew up around that, im still not like that.
  • edited April 2013
    I gave my Grandma a list of things I would like if anyone asked what they could get me. IM hoping my sister that lives in Michigan will get me a mobey wrap. I know with my son it was hard to get anything done he wanted to be held 24/7. Now it's the complete opposite lol
  • I am Mexican and so is my bf and I'd say half of our family is like that and the other half isn't. We're still gonna create our registry because they tend to get together and get our big ticket items and you also get a discount on the items that weren't bought off your registry so you save a little :)
  • Well I kinda think that's good thing lol u are an individual :)
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