Breastfeeding: Who self weaned?
Who le..... 2:06am ... JUST as I started making this post my son woke up crying. Its so hard to type one handed as my son likes to kick the laptop off my lap. lol.
Anywho as I was typing.. Who let their child self wean? How old were they? My son is 17 months old and still nurses on demand. I work so about 4-5 times a day for 5-15 minutes, So much has changed since Oct ( moving 1051 miles from home, daddy coming back from a year long deployment, mommy working for the first time of his life, several babysitters as some didn't work out) I'm afraid if I make him stop he will be more.. um... traumatized is what comes to mind. He misses his family soo much back home! He is now clingy while at home. I can't pee w/o him. Even if I am nursing him and my husband goes outside Mason will usually cry a little. But if we are at a playgroup he has no problem running around playing. But he'll sometimes cry if I drop him off at the sitters.
Anywho as I was typing.. Who let their child self wean? How old were they? My son is 17 months old and still nurses on demand. I work so about 4-5 times a day for 5-15 minutes, So much has changed since Oct ( moving 1051 miles from home, daddy coming back from a year long deployment, mommy working for the first time of his life, several babysitters as some didn't work out) I'm afraid if I make him stop he will be more.. um... traumatized is what comes to mind. He misses his family soo much back home! He is now clingy while at home. I can't pee w/o him. Even if I am nursing him and my husband goes outside Mason will usually cry a little. But if we are at a playgroup he has no problem running around playing. But he'll sometimes cry if I drop him off at the sitters.