Rubiya got her first two teeth!!

edited April 2013 in Babies "First's"
Explains all the crying and struggle from last night.

Happy for her :X


  • That's always exciting! Hopefully she will start to feel a little better before the next set comes in. :)
  • Gosh I remember when you were pregnant. Doesn't seem like it's been that long ago. How old is she now?
  • @Wilsomom Well she seems to only act up when the teeth come in but other times she doesn't seem to bothered by it. Thankfully.
  • @1stWoodsBaby She's 9 months now. Time does fly.
  • Omg Levi is literally starting to pop 2 thru also! He was acting up Mon-thurs night. Then I finally noticed 2 teeth starting to come in yesterday. They are still trying to pop thru but he is just miserable!
  • @LeviLuv8 They act up alot before they pop out. I can imagine it's painful.
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