my 5yo had a seizure tonight

He went to sleep around 930 with a headache and upset stomach. Around 11 he started having convulsions and irregular breathing. His whole body was shaking so hard. His eyes were closed but kept opening alittle. His eyes were rolling up in his head and no matter how loud I was he was unresponsive. He was rushed by ambulance to the ER. He had a fever of 103 despite having had Motrin before bed for his headache. Turns out he's had a silent case of strep for 2wks. No pain or anything. It caused him to spike the fever and have a febrile seizure. They gave him a huge shot in his leg of antibiotics. He's home doing good now. Scariest night of my life. This never happened before.


  • sorry! That sounds really scary! Glad he is ok!
  • edited April 2013
    Seizures are scary!!! Im glad he's doing well now. I had a seizure once, but paramedics got there late and weren't able to tell us what happened.
    I remember @excitedforoctober experienced the same thing with her son a few months ago. Im so sorry, but im glad he's doing better now. :)
  • I am so sorry :( like @perly said my 18mo old had one in December, it was the scariest thing that has EVER happened to me. What you described is exactly what my son was doing. His fever was also 103.5. My bff's 18mo had one last week due to the flu. I hope he gets better soon and I am sorry you had to go through that, I am still traumatized from it months later.
  • Thanks ladies. I was checking on him all night. Didn't get much sleep.
  • Don't blame you, I was terrified he would get another one.
  • Same thing happened to my daughter. Untreated strep for two weeks. The febrile seizure (I had no clue what it was) scared me more than I've ever been. I was hysterical calling 911 that I couldn't even say my address clearly. Definitely know how you feel! Glad LO is doing vetter!
  • @captivated how old was your daughter?
  • I kept spacing and having a hard time answering questions for 911
  • I was also hysterical when calling 911, literally screaming. I also had no idea what a febrile seizure was and was thinking the worst.
  • Oh that's scary I have them and it freaked my family out soo bad the fist time. The good thing is his ok and they found the reason soo it shouldn't be a normal thing but I sure hope he feels better soon. Lots prayers for your lo.
  • Idk how many here are in Illinois or seen the weather reports and news for the Chicago area. These storms were crazy and flooding is widespread not just rivers. We almost lost our car on the way home from the hospital.
  • I am in Illinois, its not too bad where I live but I heard the suburbs are pretty bad.
  • I'm sorry to hear about ur son. I'm glad he is doing better. Thanks for the update. That same line of storms is heading to NC. I have a creek behind my apt. It tends to rise when there is heavy down pours. I worry about my husbands car since its parked near it.
  • I'm so sorry you had to go through that. My daughter had one in February 13th she was exactly 18 months. The most horrific part for us is that my husband and I came home from our doctors appointment for her because I was really worried about her fever and she had been throwing up the night before.
    She was on Motrin for an entire 30 hours to keep her fever down and then as soon as we got home from her doctor I set her in her play area to play with her blocks and she fell to her side and starting convulsing and foaming at the mouth.
    My cell phone was dead and we didn't have a house phone so I had to run to my neighbors house, open their damn door and say I'm sorry but I need your phone my daughter is having a seizure. My husband layed her on her side and she was able to start breathing once the ambulance got their. And all of this while I'm 8 months pregnant on the floor with her thinking she is going to die because I've never seen her so helpless.
    Worst day of my entire life but luckily I had my husband their and the ambulance got their within 2 and half minutes they were down the street. But I will never forget how horrible that feeling was. Luckily though she is completely fine now but every time she gets sick now I am honestly so terrified it will happen again I don't want to go to work or leave her ever when she is sick.

  • @excitedforoctober, I think she was about 15mo.
  • These are such scary stories. What if your child was in the other room sleeping? That always scares me that something like this would happen during the night & I would have no clue! In all of these cases did your lo just happen to be right with you???
  • In my case me and my son share a room.
  • @baileygoose luckily it was day time in my case, and she does sleep in our room but it terrifies me to have her in another room now :-/
  • I'm so sorry that's happened! That's so scary!!
  • That sounds so scary! None of mine have ever had that happen. I would freak out! Glad he's getting better now.
  • @baileygoose LUCKILY my bf and I had gotten into a bad fight the night before so I was staying at my moms that night because I was so mad at him, and my mom has her guest room set up with a crib for my LO along with a bed so we were sleeping in the same room. It was pitch black in the room but I heard him start to make really rapid breathing sounds so I got up to turn on the light and saw him convulsing, to this day I can't get the image out of my head, worst thing ever to see your baby like that and be so helpless. Ever since that night he has NEVER slept in his crib, he has slept right next to me every single night and that was in early Dec. I am terrified that it will happen again and I wouldn't hear it this time.
  • Febrile seizures are scary, but they are harmless. :)
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