when is it ok to finally take ur child out of thr crib?

edited April 2013 in First time moms
My son is almost two in like 2 months or so .
When should I break his crib down to the toddler day bed ??


  • My daughter has been in a reg twin size bed with rails since 16mths...I felt that was a good age because she could easily get on and off furniture so she can get in and out of her bed easily even though its big (:
  • I just posted about this because my son is 18mths and he has started climbing out of his crib, im going to switch it on sunday and see how it works out (fingers crossed)
  • edited April 2013
    My first was 18months. I caught him trying to climb out. My second is 17months and still in the crib. He hasn't tried to climb yet.
  • I think it's just different for everyone. Whatever works best for your lo & your family.
  • My 18mo is still in a crib but I'll be switching him to a big boy bed soon because we're expecting another one.
  • My lo is 17m and still in her crib, its still on the middle setting. We could move it down probably here soon.
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