My baby finally rolled over. (:

edited April 2013 in Rolling Over
My baby girl is 3 1/2 months and finally officially rolled over today (: she went from back to tummy though and now that she figured it out she won't stop! Haha. She's been all over already since 2 months, I'll leave her in her baby corner while I make supper or something and as soon as I check on her she's wiggled half across the room! I hope she slows down, I can wait on this mobility, lol.

What are your babies newest accomplishments? (:


  • my son is almost four months and he's rolled from tummy to back for a while but he's working on rolling from back to front. and he's a wiggler too! he moves all over!!!! :-)
  • That's great! Isn't it exciting when they hit a mile stone like that?!

    My son, Isaac is 18 months old and is saying new words everyday. Yesterday he said thirsty while signing milk. And another time hit hishead on the sstand holding a speaker up and grabbed it saying 'the stick!' all angry it cracked me up
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