pregnant with a toddler

edited April 2013 in Pregnant
Omg I'm not even far along and its already taking its toll. All I want to do is nap lol but that's not happening my 16mo old only naps for about 30 mins, maybe a hour on a good day. she's sooooo attached to me now I can't even come in the room without her wanting to be picked up and never put down. If she even thinks I'm putting her down all hell breaks loose! I knew it was gonna be hard but this is EXHAUSTING!


  • Yes it is, I am 30wks with an 18mo old and my back kills all the time!
  • My son was 15 months and 30lbs during my last month. I felt so terrible all the time, I swore up and down that I never wanted to be pregnant again. I got extremely bad pelvic pain where I couldn't even roll over in bed without almost crying. So just getting him in and out of his crib or a bath was horrible. But the diaper changes were the worst! I cried a few times begging for him to come back when he ran away after I finally got through the pain just to sit down. But it eventually came to an end I'm already starting to baby fever again, haha.
  • edited April 2013
    Aww! I know what you're going through. I'm 4 months pregnant with a 19 month old. She was getting super clingy, so I started making her do bigger girl things.

    For example:
    *I used put her in and carry her out of her car seat and now I'm showing her how to do this on her own. She likes it!
    *I try to show her how to respect her baby doll.
    *when I bathed her I would always put the towel on her and carry her into her room. Now we make her walk into her room.

    She is a lot less clingy! Good luck!
  • My 16 month old is starting to get clingy but I'm not letting it happen lol I can't carry her around 24/7 I just try to distract her with toys or something. And thank God she's great sleeper 13 hrs at night then two naps during the day I sleep during the first one lol. I couldn't make it through the day without it. Maybe try see if ur lo will sleep longer? Is her room super dark? Or have snack before nap and clean diper. Hope shestarts sleeping more for you to rest!
  • Its hard.. I was pregnant and had a one and a half yr old. It was very hard. My son was attached too. I can tell you there is a light at the end of the tunnel. They are now 3 and 1 and I've gotten the hang of it. Just stick to routine. As far as being pregnant with a toddler just keep to routine too. Like bed time same time every night. That will give you more time to yourself to relax. I also got in the habit of even if he didn't nap I did quiet time...he would go in his room and lay down. Sometimes he would fall asleep. I do also wake them up the same time everyday bc then I know they'll be tired and can get them both in a nap at the same time:) its alot but you just need to male sure you get some relax time:)
  • edited April 2013
    I am 8 months pregnant and have a 12 month old that I breastfeed, so she is almost always with mommy. I also have been working 40+ hours a week. It's a lot but somehow I just make it work. I almost never get a nap :( Good Luck
  • im due any day and have a 19 month old if it wasn't for hubby and my parents helping i would be freaking out a lot more im pretty nervous thou i dont want my girl feeling replaced or acting out i hope its not so hard and she loves her lil bro
  • I hear alot about young kids becoming attached to their moms when she's pregnant. Im 31 weeks and my son will be 2 in 2 weeks and he went completley opposite. Is very distant from me doesn't want me to hold him bath him dress him or hold his hand. Its all my boyfriend he only wants him. Its been somewhat a relief because I dont have to ask my boyfriend to do alot, he just does because my son will only let him. But sometimes it does get to me the wrong way because he isn't very affectionate with me like he is with my boyfriend and because my son absolutely doesnt listen to me at all he looks at me when I.tell him something then turns and ignores me but if my boyfriend says the same thing right away he does it. Sometimes its hurtful and I get emotional sometimes its frustrating and I just get pissed. Some people say its jealousy towards the baby inside me..? Idk all I know is he never acted like this till I was about 3 months along and the progression of his behavior does coincide with his terrible twos stage. But why does he respect my boyfriend so much who he calls daddy but not me who gave him life?
  • @adriens_mommy are you pregnant with a boy? I've heard that kids won't get along with the mom if she's pregnant with the same sex, I'm only 5 weeks with an 18 month old, I know it's gonna get bad
  • @adriens_mommy Did your bf take more care of him at the beginning of your pregnancy bc you were sick or tired? Babies tend to cling to whoever takes the most care of them so that may be why.
  • @Kimberly4411 no im actually having a girl. I heard that from a couple family members that I would be having a boy because of how my son was acting but then we found out it isn't. @Wilsomom yeah I was pretty much down the first 2-3 months and adrien would always come in and jump on my bed or wake me up and if I was really trying to sleep he'd would be taken to the park or just out to the living room.
  • I'm 26 weeks with a 20 month old. My daughter became very clingy to me. I work full time though and my son's father stays home with her. She will be a month shy of 2 when he is due. I don't mind so much though because her face lights up in pure joy when she sees me. <3
  • Hahaha i so know the attached kid feeling! My daughter is 17 months old & im 3.5 months pregnant. Im still breast feeding my daughter and she refuses to stay in the room with anyone but me! I cant go to the bathroom wirhout her. Haha good luck to us all!
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