I'm lost!

My last af started 5 days early. It ended about a week and a half ago. I have cramping off and on everyday & Yesterday I had sex and then i noticed cramping and brown blood with a tiny bit of red when I wipe. Today there is more brown blood with little brown blood clots. I am so confused, my af isn't due for 22 more days!


  • It's old blood that was most likely brought down from sex it happens to people all the time especially if af got messed up this pastcycle sounds like it's bodies way to get back in order my af was weird right when we were about to ttc and the first cycle it was normal we got pregnant from having sex one time that cycle lol. It happens when you least expect it. Or maybe your body has little more it's trying to get rid of from last cycle. It should be ok. If your worried though u can call your doc.
  • @jules thank you! I just am mind blown at all the crazy just my body is decided to do! I'm not used to this! Post pregnancy has been quite an adventure for my cycle
  • Ya it's weird my cycle was normal after my daughter but right when we started thinking about ttc it got all weird I was 5 says late then next cycle 3 days early then early again then couple days late and finally it was normal and we got pregnant. It sure does make things harder but it will happen don't worry! I'll be sending you baby dust :)
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