My son fell in the pool

edited April 2013 in Ages & Stages
Don't worry I got him out right away and he's fine, just a little scraped from the edge. I was out cleaning the pool and he came out with me, like we always do, he's usually good about staying away from the edge but today he thought it would be fun to lean over and splash. I told him three times to stop it or he would fall in and sure enough he fell. I had to jump in to get him and even though I live in CA and its been in the high 80s my pool was hella cold! I didn't panic or freak out just dried us off and told him he was ok and that's why we don't do that. Ugh toddlers!!!


  • Awwe! Lol hopefully he remembers that the next time you guys go out there. It'll be interesting for you to see how he acts around the pool tomorrow then you'll know if remembered falling. I took my 23 mo old in the swimming pool today for the first time since he was 2 months old. And omg my kid is sooo not afraid of drowning! He kept trying to fidget out of my arms and swim off on his own despite me letting him a few times to see what would happen he didn't even care he wanted to swim to the bottom like a fish. And when we were playing on the stairs he would run up to edge real fast and jump in the water where it was way too deep and here's my big 8mo. pregnant butt trying to catch the little sh*t. I've never met a toddler who wasn't at least a little hesitant when in a real sized pool.
  • You should really think about having him take swimming lessons. Now days you can teach infants how to float if they land in a pool.
  • My oldest did that when she was 2, scared her to death! Lol
  • I am a swim teacher. I love teaching the kids to swim even the scaried cats :)
  • I was planing on doing mommy and me swim classes this summer and now I know we for sure have to.
  • They are super fun :)
  • My son did the same exact thing, it scared me to death! He actually fell head in and turned on to his back once I got to him he was starting to sink but was able to grab him and pull him out. We are in Ca too and yeah our pool is pretty chilly! Its scary.
  • edited April 2013
    Everyone should watch this! Especially, if you have a pool.

  • It's not showing up :(
  • Dang it! I have to do it from my computer @heather3girls1boy
  • Omg! That first baby, floating there crying, made me tear up a little. But yes I was going to do swim lessons this summer anyway and now I'm for sure going to. On the plus side he has stayed VERY far away from the edge since Tuesday.
  • Oh good that you were able to see it. Maybe you just can't view it via phone. My husband showed this to me and I cried too! Thank goodness it was just a lesson! I think they teach them with clothes on too.
  • That is the most amazing thing I have ever seen im kind of at a loss for words, except where do I look or go to teach my toddler?
  • edited April 2013
    You should look into classes around your area. It's called Swim-Float-Swim survival sequence fully clothed. Try Craigslist, lots of swimming instructors and they come to you! @adriens_mommy
  • My mom put me in swimming lessons since i was around 8 until i was about 14. I could seriously be a professional swimmer lol i actually took my daughter swimming today. She loves it but stays attached to me and won't let go which is good lol.
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