advice is needed

edited April 2013 in Breastfeeding
I've been exclusively breastfeeding my almost 3 month old daughter since she was born but the past few days something has been off. I use to have more then enough milk infact every hour ill be overly full, but the past 2 days its like my milk has left and my daughter keeps pulling away from me while she's feeding. Lina has been sleeping through the night except last night she woke up every hour to feed, I know she's not going through a growth spurt, my boobs just don't seem to be making enough. What could be causing this?


  • Well sometimes u just need more fluids, food, less stress, vitamins. Sometimes baby just starts rejecting it for multiple reasons which can lower supply naturally. I on tree other hand did everything imaginable with my daughter I was drinking lots fluids, eating plenty, I wasn't stressed, taking my vitamins, I was even pumping in between to try get my supply up and taking vitamins and drinking teas to help it go up. Nothing was working. I didn't give up though just kept doing my best. And unfortunately by the time she was 6 months I could barely get 4 oz. So I stopped. But I hope things get better for you just keep trying!
  • Have you taken any cold meds lately? I did that with my oldest & ended up drying up.
  • Benedryl or any antihistamines will do it :(
  • Drink more water. And your body will adjust to what your baby needs and will only make that much after a while. I'm sure your doing just fine mama! Keep it up :D
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