can teething cause this?

edited April 2013 in Babies Health
Can teething cause a kiddo to throw up? McKinley has thrown up twice this morning, both times it was just stringy saliva. So I was thinking it could be from the excess saliva she was swallowing through the night. I know she's teething, her eye teeth are giving her a hell of a time. She's also a touch feverish. When she's not throwing up she seems in good spirits. What ya think? Teething symptom, or something else?


  • Was she gagging at all? A lot of times stringy saliva means theres something stuck in their throat like a hair. I know that has nothing to do with teething though, sorry!
  • Sounds like a good assumption. All that excess saliva in my tummy would probably make me feel sick to. Hope your LO feels better soon!
  • Yep! You should try an amber teething necklace!
  • @wilsomom good idea to check. I don't see anything and she just puked her breakfast. I don't know if this changes things

    @ashley_smashley thanks hun, me too. Especially since were FINALLY getting nice weather and no snow, we had plans to go to the zoo on a play date today, guess we gotta cancel that.

    @captivated ugh! I HAD one, but when we moved it got lost. I just put her down for a nap, ill pull apart her room when she gets up next.
  • Oh if she's throwing up food now that's not good. I hope she gets better soon!
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