Energized yesterday. Today, not so much.

edited April 2013 in Pregnant
I was so energized yesterday. I got up out of bed, ate breakfast, took a shower and just felt good about myself. Even going to work didn't affect me. I was energized at work and everything. Now today on my day off, I'm tired. Really? Well at least I'm not exhausted. I guess my energy is slowly coming back and it's about time. This week to get my energy up and going, on my days off and my early work shifts, we plan to walk the river walk and walk on the beach, walk around the parks. This week in Chicago looks to be a good weather week. I plan to be active during pregnancy. Let's see how this pan out.


  • You clearly lost your energy today because you licked the spoon, you naughty girl! Lolololol jk :p

    I can't wait to get some energy back, I'm still tired all the time! I think your walking plan sounds like a great idea, the fresh air should help too.
  • @Wilsomom: Lol. I hope so. I used to love walking before pregnancy.
  • I now walk a lot more then running but I ran like crazy while prego with my daughter I really think staying active really helps with energy. :)
  • @jules: I sprint more than I run. Also the walking give us some much needed alone time. An excuse to get him off his Playstation.
  • Lol I did that! I would go on my runs then later in afternoon I would try get him to take walk soo he would get out of the house. IM much more busy body then he. I like outdoor stuff. He does but not as much as me .. His not falling for it second time around though :)
  • @jules: Well he does like going out sometimes. The river walk was actually his idea and we used to walk the beaches all last summer. It might be harder to get him off his NBA2K13 this year. But I will get him out the house. Oh yes I will.

    I'm just like you. In the Spring & Summer I can't stay in the house. I have to go outside.
  • Good for you! IM not as persuasive lol which sometimes sucks.
  • @jules: I don't always win, but dammit I try.
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