daughter still refuses to breastfeed... is it time to stop?

edited April 2013 in Breastfeeding
It's been a week and my 3 month old daughter is still giving me hell while breastfeeding. She use to breastfeed not only because she was hungry but also when she was sleepy or just for comfort. I have taken anything new I drink lots of water I eat right. I don't understand what's causing this I just don't know if I should continue breastfeeding.


  • I would continue it could just be a little nursing strike. My son did it briefly then he went through a stage where he wouldn't take a bottle as well. I would just keep putting her to the breast. Maybe see if she is teething, teething babies don't like to nurse cause it hurts their mouths. Try pumping and giving her a bottle if she won't nurse and is truly hungry. Good luck lady
  • http://kellymom.com/bf/concerns/child/back-to-breast/
    Here is a link from kellymom that might help. As long as she is still gaining weight and acting like her normal self I wouldn't worry too much. If you think there is a problem take her to the Dr or call your local lactation consultant.
  • How are you and baby doing? Did she start breastfeeding again?
  • Were good, she started breastfeeding again and now has slowed down but only because she thinks bob time is play time and if I look at her while she eats she starts laughing lol @brodysmamma
  • Haha Brody did the same thing. It's funny the little games they play while nursing. :)
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