My bfs parents have always been nice to me we havent told them were pregnant yet because, we want to do it in person and they live pretty far away so we will see what happens
Problems with MIL doesn't even scratch the surface. Mine has been a wench since we got engaged...but to my husband has the "who me" act down so well she should win an oscar. When my oldest was born she was a piece of art but tolerable until she started wanting to see my husband and daughter only when I was at work which didn't fly. Then I got prego with my now youngest...when she was born she was hauled to the NICU within an hour because they detected down syndrome. My husband called her scared to death and her response me when you hear something! She lived 35 minutes from the airport. Meanwhile my family lived 4 hrs away and were the only family at the hospital. My MIL saw my baby when she was a month old. Life for my 2yr old will be difficult enough without people like my MIL adding to it. So as it stands today my kids will know who she is incase we run into her but a relationship is OUT OF THE QUESTION. Now we have a new baby due in july...a son, the first son, the last to take on the family name....boy am I in for a struggle but I refuse to give in! But afraid to have a son...karma is a b¤¤¤h and now I will have a daughter in law someday. Hope I am better than her!
I totally agree with everyone, my bfs mother is freaking crazy. No matter what I do its wrong. I'm unemployed and all I ever hear from her is that I'm lazy and I need to get a job. Also she keeps trying to tell me all about what it was like when she was pregnant, which things are different today cause that was almost 30 yrs ago. And she even went as far as to try to tell me what to name my son. She wanted a junior and that was not what I wanted. I just thought that the baby should have his own name. And just yesterday she told me how fat I was getting, isn't that just so nice of her?
Life for my 2yr old will be difficult enough without people like my MIL adding to it. So as it stands today my kids will know who she is incase we run into her but a relationship is OUT OF THE QUESTION. Now we have a new baby due in july...a son, the first son, the last to take on the family name....boy am I in for a struggle but I refuse to give in! But afraid to have a son...karma is a b¤¤¤h and now I will have a daughter in law someday. Hope I am better than her!