I'm in the waiting room...JUST WENT TO E.R.!!



  • Sounds like he isn't reacting well with the meds. I hope they take him off of them. Good luck. I hope things begin looking up for you.
  • They gave him benadryl & something else in an iv & he stopped shaking within minutes. His blood & urine labs were fine. His dr. just prescribed something for him to take with his psychotic meds to counteract the side affects. & if that doesn't work they'll give him a different med to try for the psychosis. I'm still in shock that he has schizophrenia. @perly @jules @captivated
  • And isn't it weird to have to take a medicine to counteract a medicine?! I can't imagine how over worked his kidneys & liver is. He's taking a total of 7 meds everyday when just a few weeks ago he was only taking one allergy med.
  • That is insane. And I would look into getting another opinion on the schizophrenia. There is a lot of diagnostic criteria to be met and often diagnoses are thrown out without even meeting the proper guidelines for diagnosis. I'm not saying they are wrong, but it was a much too quick diagnosis.
  • @captivated Yeah it doesn't make sense at all because she didn't even give an official diagnosis. He just thinks he has it because he's researched it online, but he doesn't have all the symptoms only a few so I don't think so. I just can't believe they dish out prescriptions like this. I hate giving my kids medicines...I don't treat fevers, I don't vaccinate, etc, yet they've led me to believe it would be neglect to not let him take these meds. I hate this.
  • Well glad the shacking stopped. But I agree I would get another opinion. Also I thought they didn't diagnose him with anything were just giving medicine from the other day? And that's a lot of medication I personally wouldn't have my child taking all that stuff until I knew for sure and searched for other options as well. That's terrible for his body and seems like not a very well thought out method on their behalf from just a test I would ask for more testing and another doc opinion as well. If it's not safe for him to be home without the Medicine then I would say ok I guess my kid needs to be here until everything is figured out. I mean yes he needs to be safe for himself and others but it sounds like they might be takibg away one safety issues and taking on others with all the medicine it can be damaging physically and mentally. We have two people in the family who have been seriously effected by medicine and they weren't giving it for anything close to what his going through.Was just simple things the doc thought would be good for one after surgery and my ex aunt thought she might need anti depression meds and very fast they both became very different people and no fixing now. I feel so bad for your son I think his got a lot going on and they need to take some time for proper care.
  • When I was 14 I was diagnosed with bi polar disorder, severe depression, and anxiety. I live in Ohio though so maybe its a state law? Either way I'm so sorry and good luck.
  • edited May 2013
    @jules his hands are still a little shakey today, but not as bad. I don't think I could stop the medicines bc they have to wean off them plus it would be considered neglect which is so frustrating! Plus he's 17.5 & if he were 18 he would take them on his own bc he wants to. I have another meeting tmrw at 8am with them so I'm gonna write down some questions & take with me.

    @mrsrobbins6113 I'm in Ohio too! That's so weird. I'm curious, did you get meds & counselingor what did they do to help? & did it work?
  • Well obviously be bad to just stop but I hope they can find better solution for him then 7 different medications. I also hope they can answer all your questions keep me updated I feel so bad for him and you have been going through so much. But I hope your having good mothers day!
  • @wilsomom my parents declined meds for me. They believed I could learn to control it myself, but they didn't understand that its not that easy and made it a lot harder on me. I did eventually get a handle on it to a point. But I do smoke cigarettes and they seriously are a saving grace. I know they're terrible for me but its how I've learned to cope.
    I did however receive counseling. My counselor was awesome! He really did help. He gave me a few exercises to try and control some of my mood swings, panic attacks, etc. I stopped seeing him before I should I have. I recently almost went back because I was going through one of the lowest points I've ever hit. Even lower than when I was young. This is a constant, life long battle. Please do not deny your son help like my parents denied me. Its not been easy.
    What part of Ohio do you live in if you don't mind me asking?
    Also, if you need anything please feel free to contact me (: you can add me on Facebook! My name is Crissy Thompson. I'm in Peacocks and Heartwood if you're in either of those. Happy mother's day! Stay strong lady <3 its gonna be okay! You're not alone. I understand!
  • Sadly that's the downside to mental health problems. The spectrums are so wide and varied it sometimes takes years to pinpoint exactly what is wrong then could take even longer to find medications that work and usually means changes throughout life. Trying to find what medications work specifically for him as well as what meds have tolerable side effects. Good luck
  • @mrsrobbins6113 Thank you so much for sharing! I definitely don't want to deny him help, but at the same time want to make sure he's getting the right help he needs. It's all so confusing like @cetheridge said. It's so overwhelming because it all started just a few weeks ago, plus I'm dealing with my other son in jdc, my husband can't work currently & I'm 16 weeks pregnant! Not to mention all the little ones here. LolMy husband & I are both seriously depressed too so I think I might get some counseling myself. I'm in Springboro which is right between Cincinnati & Dayton. I'll look for you on fb, I'm in both those groups too. Thank you!

    @cetheridge I'm definitely noticing that about the clumping together. He says the meds are helping a lot I'm just scared of the side effects & possible permenant damages that can happen. I'm really worried about him.
  • @wilsomom its really hard and frustrating. My parents were not supportive so at least you're trying to help. Thats pretty far from me. I live near Steubenville in Toronto. Everyone always thinks I'm from Canada lol. Just remember to take some time fir yourself too! I hope everything works out. Ill keep you in my prayers.
  • @mrsrobbins6113 Thank you so much!!
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