Are these symptoms normal?

So recently I have been getting these symptoms that are kind of worrying me, I am going to mention them to my doctor at my Saturday appt but I was wondering if anyone experiences this as I didn't feel like this when I was pregnant with my son...I get these light headed spells where I feel extremely fatigued and my heart feels like its beating faster. I also feel a little out of breath even though I may not have been doing any physical activity prior to getting the symptoms. This usually only lasts for 10-15 min then goes away, sometimes a little longer. Any ideas to what it might be? Or just regular ol' pregnancy symptoms? I have been going to the doctor every 2 weeks for about a month now and my BP has been normal.


  • That can be from low iron, or just from your blood supply increasing. I get the same thing every pregnancy & it's so annoying.
  • Yup I was like that too! I also had low iron! If it gets to bad I would try and see if they can get you in. Gl
  • @wilsomom @starlilly I never thought about low iron! How often do they check for that? I feel bad but I have been bad at taking my prenatals so that might actually be the cause.
  • @excitedforoctober I sucked at taking my prenatals with Madison, I'm 7 weeks in on this pregnancy and still suck at it! I feel horrible but there's just so much other stuff to do
  • @kimberly4411 exactly! I have an 18mo old and I work full time and although it seems like popping a pill might be easy when u have a million other things to get done it gets easily forgotten!
  • I was really bad about my anti depressants, and there is no way I could take birth control pills and them be reliable.
    I do remember to give Madison medicine when she has some prescribed though, that's more important right??
  • I had this with my daughter toward the end with this pregnancy I only get it if I haven't eaten in some time and get up too fast. If you forget about the prenatals I would suggest maybe setting an alarm for yourself everyday either when you usually wake up and eat or when your usually have dinner or right before bed. I'm sure that will help a lot!
  • I have anemia right now, and im usually always tired, but on my most busy days i feel exactly the way you do. Im not working now, so most of my days aren't busy which is why i don't feel like that everyday... But since you work full time and then come home to your mommy duties i can see low iron causing you to feel this.
    You should definitely tell your doctor about this.
  • Try eating more red meat! Also vitamin c will help absorb it. So drink orange juice if it doesn't make you sick. Don't take iron with milk either it won't absorb.
  • @kimberly4411 Haha I remember that too!

    @jules I would take them in the morning except I have to take thyroid meds every morning and you can't take them together and my evenings are pretty hectic so its so hard to remember but thats a good idea about the alarm! I should set up a reoccuring alarm because I know I will forget to set the alarm if I don't lol

    @perly Yeah it sucks, with my last pregnancy I didnt feel this way but I was MUCH better at taking my prenatals, I will definetely talk to my doctor about it this weekend.
  • @starlilly Oh I'm already a BIG carnivore! I eat red meat almost every day, but I will try the OJ, thanks! I was also reading that consuming caffeine while pregnant can cause low iron levels and now I am realizing a pattern, I usually feel those symptoms after a pop or coffee. :-?
  • Yeah that will cause them to drop! I forgot about! One time I had a spell so bad that I couldn't see for like 15 minutes! I was so scarred. Or I would be standing at our copy machine and all the sudden it would hit and I would have to go sit down. It's not fun and very scary! I hope it is just low iron, that's a easy fix! Keep me updated!
  • @Starlilly I'm definetely going to stop drinking caffeine and see if that helps! I will, thanks! :)
  • I had that too, so my Dr had me take iron supplements on top of of my prenatals. But she didn't tell me not to take them at the same time as my tums...turns out my iron stayed low throughout my pregnancy cuz of my heartburn.
  • edited May 2013
    Good luck! And for sure no caffeine for you. Especially if your not taking your vitamins everyday. Not the best for your baby or the pregnancy and labor to come. And I don't eat red meat in general I don't really like it. But that stuff isn't that good for us anyways and im doing just fine without it. So if you don't like it I wouldn't force myself to eat it lol. You will get used it the changes and won't think much of it but will feel soo much better :)
  • I felt like that the last pregnancy I was anemic if you can't take the pills just try to eat rich iron foods and lete tell you I was barely in the mark
  • Im actually in the hospital right now because I have very low potassium. I dont think its super common but for some reason it happens to me every pregnancy. Anyways, I had symptoms similar to those so keep potassium in mind...
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