12 week check up

edited May 2013 in First Trimester
Had my 12 wk check up today. And heard the heartbeat :) that sound never gets old. Made my month :)


  • Its such a beautiful experience :)
  • Yes it is! This is my second baby and the excitement is just still overwhelming. I recorded it and hv listened to a few times already today. Hehe
  • Awwee! I know how you feel. I have 10 days left till my due date and im losing my patience lol.
    This is my second pregnancy, the first time i lost my baby at 17wks, so this baby is my little rainbow and i can't wait till he gets here.
    What would you like to have? Boy or Girl?
  • Your so closeeee!! I remember when I was at the end and it dragged. Lol. Awww your rainbow baby. Well you got a little angel watching over him :) well my 17 mth old is a little girl. So I would be lying If i said it doesn't matter. But I do want a boy. Most importantly a healthy baby. The plus side to another girl is I have everything. Literally from the exact seasons. My last baby was born in November and this will be too. But I live in Texas so we don't get much seasons. It can be cold, rain, hot and dry all in one day. Lol.
  • Congrats! I hope you get your boy!
  • Aw I can't wait till my first app I'll be 12 weeks next week I love hearing the little heartbeat
  • I know im so close, and that's exactly why im so impatient lol. My first one was a girl, so this baby has his big sister watching over him.
    I know what you mean!! You want the boy to have the best of both worlds, but a girl is always good because you don't have to spend as much lol. And i know about Texas lol. I live in Houston. We literally get all seasons in one day hahaha.
  • Awww @ lovemylife11 I love it so much. I get my NT scan next week. Love always seeing the baby :)

    @perly yup you know then lol. I'm in Austin
  • Cool! You're not too far :)
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