ok who do i call

Better business bureal or corporate? This is like the 3rd time my hubby hasn't been paid on time. 2weeks ago hubby payroll check bounced. Not once but twice. This week the same thing is basically happening. They gave us hundred dollar credit and said it should be in there tomorrow. Our power was on the verge of being cut off. I called my daddy balling my eyes out explaining everything. Told him I had 100 but needed to borrow the rest which was 84. Then hubby called while I was paying the bill told me that our insurance was due by 12 tonight. Luckily my sil Fronted us that money. His boss is really f'n us up with not paying on time. Its not right he keeps bouncing checks. Oh his business is a franchise.


  • Call corporate!
  • What @ashley_smashley said!!!
    And tell your husband to tell his co-workers to do the same if they are having the same problems because the more people that call and complain the faster they'll get this fixed.
  • For sure call corporate. But what kind of job is this? Sounds like they have no idea what they are doing. And sometimes corporation could care less about the employee so be careful.
  • Its a MEINEKE. @Jules. @perly @Ashley_smashley. I'm giving him till Tuesday. last time it took a couple days to process.
  • Well I wouldn't want too long just in case there is a problem that will take them few days to fix after u talk to them then that be almost week past when u expected the money. Plus what if they assume it's not that big of deal to him or he would have called right away and taken care of the issue the last time it happen. They could think they didn't think it was urgent so we can take our time. That's just how some people are.
  • I would call regardless. If you wait everytime they do this, then you're always going to have that worry about bills needing to get paid and the money not being there when its supposed too.
  • I would call both. If you are incurring bank fees make sure they reimburse you. As a small business owner the first thing you have to meet is payroll uncle sam frowns on not paying your employees. The Corporate office better care bc that is there name on the door. Make sure that you tell them you will contact the bbb and I am not sure but osha might have some jurisdiction too. My husband actually had an employer tell him that he could not pay him for his last week. We had a check that bounced so we took it to his bank and cashed it. You could take his checks directly to their bank to cash them.
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