delivery room

edited May 2013 in Pregnant
has anyone ever had their older child in the delivery room with them while in labor? we have 8 year old and not sure if we want her in room.


  • Well I haven't heard anyone do that not any my friends I won't be doing it..Also many hospitals have striked rules on how long kids can visit in the first place and I know for me since its winter no kids are allowed at all.
  • My StepMom Did And My Little Sister Was 8 When My Little Brother Was born
  • My daughter did when she was 12. She says she doesn't remember much. Lol They had a little living room type area to the side where she could watch tv & she stayed by my head while I was pushing.
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  • While you deliver? I have never heard of anyone doing that, but if its something you're interested in im sure your hospital can give you more information.
  • I was there for two of my siblings birth. One when I was 7/8 the next 10/11. I don't exactly remember my age lol.
    I don't remember the first one at all, and the second birth I barely remember.
    The first one was fine. The second from what I do remember was a little traumatic because my sister got stuck and everyone kind of forgot about me. And the midwife was talking about pushing her back in or bbreaking her arm to get her out. An my mom was very vocal with ppain. And to a 10 or 11 year old that can be very over whelming and scary when everyone is rushing around and it's never explained.
    I should have been taken out of the room at that point. But like I said, everyone forgot I was there. I just stood in a back corner silent.
    Everything ended up being fine. My mom had my sister no problem.
  • I want to do the same with my 6 year old but not sure on it either.
  • I have a friend who does home births & she always has the whole family there! Baby's siblings, her siblings, her parents, his parents, etc. It's like a whole family affair. I wouldn't be able to handle that, but she has a very open, outgoing personality. So I think it depends on each person.
  • Yes! When i had my daughter my oldest son, Lee, not only was he in the delivery room (he was 14) he also was recording it for us with the video camera! He said it was the coolest nastiest thing he ever saw!
  • Yes! When i had my daughter my oldest son, Lee, not only was he in the delivery room (he was 14) he also was recording it for us with the video camera! He said it was the coolest nastiest thing he ever saw!
  • I've never heard of anyone personally doing it. I know my hospital wouldn't let anyone under 13 in the room once I was in active labor.
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