OB or RE?? thougths and opinions PLZ!!!

edited May 2013 in Trying to conceive
OK so heres my question/problem

My RE prescribed me the trigger shot and progestrone pills..and im supposed to go see him again tomorrow but I was going to cancel because i dont have the money to pay for it
$150 for the trigger shot
$ 50 fro the progestrone
$240 every ultrasound
and i already had an ultrasound done with my RE on CD10 showing 11 mm follie

my insurnace wont cover anythign not even an ultrasound becuase hes a fertility DR...
i called my OB and asked them if they can check me out today since im cramping and im on CLOMID they said yes to go in today

you think based on what my OB sees i could still take my trigger shot ill be saving more than 240$ (althought my RE prescribed me the trigger shot)


  • I don't know much about that, but I think it couldn't hurt to at least try. If they can't see what you're looking for they should at least be able to give you some direction. Good luck though!
  • R u going would the ob have to do anything idk give u a shot. They will not do anything that involves a script from another doctor. Ot would u be taking result to the other doctor
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