Sick baby :(

Fever, loss of appetite, runny nose, cough and very sleepy one year old. Teething? She has 13 of them and never had these symptoms.

So lost on what it is and if I really need to call the Dr.


  • Well since she has fever I don't know how high it is and she's not eating much I would call just bc if it's really high fever and keeps going it would be so scary if she has seizure from it. Plus if she doesn't have much food or isn't very hydrated and taking medicine on top of that ya know. How long has this been going? Poor thing hope she gets better soon!
  • aww poor sophie. I would call dr
  • If she had no other symptoms it could be teethomg but seems like maybe a throat infection bcuz of the fever.
  • edited May 2013
    At Dr...... No ear infection, not teething, no red throat. Couldn't do a catheter because they cant get to her lady parts because she has labia something.( Ie where it's closed.) They took a bunch of blood work and we are waiting.
  • update****
  • edited May 2013
    She has labial adhesions (her vagina is closed) causing her to have a possible infection. They could not find anything else wrong with her. High fever of 103, lack of appetite, and dehydration. I have a cream to put on her lady parts. She has drank and ate some now. Still has 102.7 fever. We shall see.
  • Hope she gets better soon. :(
  • Poor thing hopefully she gets better soon. Are they going it opens up on its own or do they need to do it to avoid future infections?
  • The hormone cream they gave me will help it open up. It apparently happens in 2% of all girls under 6 years old.
  • That's good news! Did they say why it happens very interesting. Glad they have a pain free way of fixing it.
  • edited May 2013

    Common causes are lack of hormones (sophies problem). More common irritation down there like a diaper rash. She doesn't have one, and only had one when she was like 3 months old, it lasted for less than 24 hours.

    I suspect that its due to the lack of being breastfed. Think about it like this. There own little bodies hormones normally kick in around 3-4 months. A breastfed baby shares hormones with mommy till they are done breastfeeding. Well Sophie turned 13 months on the 2nd. She was breastfed till a week after her first birthday. So here body has had to adjust. Not only that but I'm sure it was even more of a change in her body due to the fact, I am pregnant and was breastfeeding. Just a hunch based on my research on it.
  • I see. I'm confused though on one part. U said the lack of being breastfed but u feed get until little after 12 months. That's very good I think! So did it slow down production because she was breastfeeding? I would think it would only benifit. I wish I could have done my daughter longer but didn't have much of option but to stop at 6 months. I had horrible supply. I was feeding her every two hours and tried pumping as well to get better still supply. I tried all kinds of natural things to boost it, had good diet, lots fluids especially water. I mean I did everything imaginable. But just didn't happen. I'm hoping and praying I have better supply with this baby! So I think it's soo great u did it for a year good for you :)
  • edited May 2013
    @jules Sorry for the confusion. No she was sharing hormones with me while I was pregnant and breastfeeding which were high, now that she is just working off her own hormones they are much lower than what her little body was use to for 12 months. She is a little over 13 months now. Thank you. She is my 3rd I have breastfed them all, the first two were 15-16 months when they weaned themselfs. So I was sad when she stopped at 12 months but its positive because I'm due in 2 weeks 5 days.
  • That's what I thought lol. Well it's ok she was just ready! And u need little break too :)
  • Yea I didn't want her and her brother to fight over it either.
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