Maybe a weird question, but...

edited May 2013 in Pregnant
I'm hoping one of you ladies know. I've been sick -very sick- for the majority of my 15 week long pregnancy. Several people have either hinted around or out and out said that there is probably something "wrong" with my baby. Someone even lectured me about the importance of loving my child even if it has major health issues. I'm not the kind of person who wouldn't love my perfect little angel anyway, but is there any truth to what they are saying? Is this a sign that my baby is struggling or may have some major health concern? I'm a first timer so please forgive my ignorance on some things. lol Thank you in advance. :)


  • My cousin is 10 weeks pregnant and was admitted a couple days ago. She was put on high risk she has lost25 pounds in the last 5 weeks. Her first was the same way n he is a healthy 3 year old.
  • edited May 2013
    I was sick an lost weight with both my girls up until 20 weeks I've never heard that before I always heard it was a good thing
  • I've been sick as a dog this pregnancy. Last week I went to the ER for dehydration from vomiting and now I'm on zoferan. I don't think being sick is an indication that something is wrong with you or baby. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about anything unless you DOCTOR is worried. Lets face it, you get a lot of ignorant, uninformed and unsolicited advice while pregnant so take it with a grain of salt.
  • It obviously made me worry. Lost 17lbs in about 3 weeks. My doctor didn't act concerned at all (except when I was in the hospital and they had to super hydrate me). I have an appointment on the 30th and I'm going to make it a point to corner him on the subject at hand.

    Thanks for making me feel better!
    @candy101 @Mrz_Jackson @Frantastic
  • Being sick doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the baby. Just means your pregnant for sure! I'm almost 12 weeks and been very sick this time around not throwing up but horrible do food aversion. Honestly I wouldn't listen to those people unless your doc mentions something. Everything will be ok it's very natural to worry especially first time around. But good luck at your next appointment hope it all goes well :)
  • I was so sick my first pregnancy up to 23 weeks, and had to be put on zofran to keep food down. I have a twenty month old son who is completely healthy. Dont worry about it, people are always gonna want to put there two cents in. Good luck mama and hope you start feeling better.
  • One thing is : don't believe anyone but your Dr lol. I had people telling me I shouldn't reach up to grab stuff off shelves at work bc the baby would be stretched out!? So you kinda have to let that go in one ear and out the other. I know women who were sick as a dog the whole pregnancy and their babies were fine. With my son I had strep throat towards the end and I lost alot of weight bc I couldn't eat. Just talk to your Dr...I'm sure you'll be fine. :)
  • I was throwing up all forty weeks and five days. It was awful. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!! But that being sad, my daughter was perfect! People love feeling "helpful" and "knowledgeable" with pregnant people, and often don't realize how stupid they sound or that they're probably doing more harm than good.
  • My doctors actually told me being sick is a sign of a good healthy pregnancy. :)
  • @everyone I ran it by my doc and he rolled his eyes and said,"Why would someone say that!?!" Lol, I feel MUCH better! Sorry for the hugely delayed response"
  • I can't even think about or look at food. I automatically throw up. I'm so sick with this pregnancy and I'm only 9 weeks. With my first i wasn't sick at all but now its horrible.
  • Mine was SO bad! I finally feel human. again, even though at 21 weeks, I still occasionally toss my cookies. I hope yours gets better soon!
  • How ignorant and inconsiderate to tell a pregnant woman her unborn child will be unhealthy because you're experiencing usual pregnancy symptoms. Wow. Not even doctors can predict with complete certainty the health of your child. Quit listening to people and enjoy your pregnancy, because tomorrow is not guaranteed!
  • I had super bad morning sickness throughtout both my pregnancies. I was never admitted but came pretty close a couple of times. Both of them came out a whopping 9lbs 7oz+ at birth and they're as healthy as can be. You'll be ok just sit back and try not to worry. I'm sure if there was something wrong the drs most likely would have seen it by now
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