water consumption

edited May 2013 in Pregnant
I used to love water and that would be practically all I would drink prior to this pregnancy. But I'm struggling to get any water down, I have tried adding fresh lemon to make it easier but its not helping. I have had bad nauesa and water for some reason seems to taste bad, I'm having problems even just sipping it. Any ideas or suggestions I don't want to become dehydrated but the thought of water makes me want to throw up.


  • Try adding different fruits to your water. Or a splash of juice to give a it a little flavor. I could only drink water that was ice cold. I would buy water bottles and freeze them. Only way I could drink the water. You could also buy the single serve juice packets for your water.
  • @brodysmammma thank you that's a good idea I will try it. Yeah the only water I'm getting down is water that is ice cold. Frozen bottles of water that are melting to be exact I don't remeber having this problem with my first.
  • I love adding raspberry to water and lemon slice then it's like pink lemonade but natural and sugar free! But mine always has to be super cold too even though I love water and all I have now that I'm pregnant again I'm more picky on how I take it.
  • @jules do you add fresh raspberry? I am already adding lemon now but it doesn't do enough. I prefer to use fresh fruit than the packs you add to water since they contain aspartame and I have always tried to avoid that even when not pregnant.
  • I've always done fresh fruit and u can use straw or spoon to squeeze them little once they are already in there really gets the flavor.
  • I couldn't hold any clear liquids down. I have to squeeze almost half a lemon and add a ton of ice, in order to keep water down.
  • @jules ill have to try that. Thanks
    @monkey_girl yeah I'm really struggling with water. Well most liquids I guess.
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