bleeding ???

I had my baby girl almost week ago. My bleeding seems like its gotten worse. I can feel it gushing out(tmi). Not only thatim cramping pretty badly. I took one 600mil ibuprofen. I'm about to take another. Also have a headache. Is it just from breastfeeding? Myv lo nursed every hour from 4amto7am


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  • the cramping happen with the bf and I did bleed a lot for like 3 wks after And seem like it would stop and then be heavy again
  • Well im at like week 4.5 and still bleeding. This is my third and it really has gotten worse each time lol. My cramps when nursing were much worse and lasted much longer this time around. I believe i took my tylenol for just over a week. But yes, sounds to me like you need to kick your feet up and relax!! Lol hope it gets better!
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