@HomeBirthAdvocate I think she said they're drawing them again today, but they still shouldn't say that's too low. They did the same thing to me & freaked me out then my second hcg was more than tripled!
Okay good. The doctor told me that 4,000 was too low to see a sac but I saw a ton of stuff where levels were that or lower and they saw something. I'm seriously going insane. I need to stay off of Google until tonight. Thanks again @homebirthadvocate. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I'll keep @everyone updated. Ill go back for blood work around 5:30 and I'll see doctor around 7:00. Until then I'm gonna read a book or something.
@homebirtbadvocate, the levels to see a sac or yolk sac on and internal ultrasound are now between 1-2000miu. I've always had a visible sac with levels over 2000. So the level and no sac is a little worrisome, but it is totally pointless like you said, to draw on level. Praying your levels went up!!!
My levels dropped to 300. I'm devastated. I'm sorry it took so long to update. I'm a total wreck. Two years of trying after our first loss and its ripped away. Why does stuff like this happen? The only thing I've ever wanted in my life and its been in my reach, twice now, and then snatched away. To make it worse, I had to call the police on a woman tonighr for punching her three or four year old little girl. She was screaming at her telling her to shut the fuck up. The little girl was crying so hard. I just wanted to go get her and protect her. People like that woman get children and treat them like that and yet, here I am. With nothing to show for two pregnancies. And multiple women who go through terrible fertility treatments and have empty arms. What a cruel world. Anyhow, thank you all SO MUCH for the endless love and support. You're all here when I need you the most and I thank ALL of you from the bottom of my heart!
I'm so so sorry and thank you so much for calling the police, there are so many people out there who turn their back on mothers abusing their innocent children like that.
I'm very sorry I agree with you there are so many amazing people out there like you who wouldn't love nothing more then have a child and then there are people who mistreate their children like I was ( thank God for adoption ) and my step dsughters mother is horrible yells at her all the time for no real reason she gets physical as well. She hit her in the face one time cause she said something I don't remember what but she was only 4 I went home crying cause I didn't know what to do other then tell my husband..I'm glad u called the police hopefully that little girl will be safe and happy all because of you .. And don't give up please! My friend has very hard time getting pregnant and she's had miscarriage as well and I heard women are very fertile after miscarriage so I told her I know it's hard and she's not in the mood but to give it try and she did now she's 7 months pregnant. That's why I say don't give up I will be praying for you
I'm sorry for your loss *hugs* it may seem like a dark place but don't give up. I would look into levels. Most Drs wont test until after 3 losses but you could still check and check your thyroid levels too
My doctor tested me bc I told him I had been trying for over a year with no luck. He tested and had me see his nurse for a consult and she was going to give me clomid. We held off on that but if your doctor won't test get another. Age may be a factor in how quickly he moved I was over thirty.
I'll keep @everyone updated. Ill go back for blood work around 5:30 and I'll see doctor around 7:00. Until then I'm gonna read a book or something.
To make it worse, I had to call the police on a woman tonighr for punching her three or four year old little girl. She was screaming at her telling her to shut the fuck up. The little girl was crying so hard. I just wanted to go get her and protect her. People like that woman get children and treat them like that and yet, here I am. With nothing to show for two pregnancies. And multiple women who go through terrible fertility treatments and have empty arms. What a cruel world.
Anyhow, thank you all SO MUCH for the endless love and support. You're all here when I need you the most and I thank ALL of you from the bottom of my heart!
Sorry hun.