how can u tell the difference between labor pains and BM cramps?
I've never been in labor before not even with my firstborn so idk what it feels like but these last 2-3 days I've been experiencing what I think are contractions they've been increasingly uncomfortable and a little painful but not like a period, just like muscle cramps. This morning I've started feeling very very painful cramping but not like the contractions at all, its a very sudden intense sharp pain without the tightening in my stomach. I've had one BM this morning, not diarrhea and not too hard im not constipated. I've heard before that some women's bodys expell their waste before going into labor. Does any of this sound like labor or like nothing to fret about? Im not one to rush to l&d for every twinge or pain I just hate making my boyfriend leave work (which he will do the second I call him) and I dont like sitting in the hospital for hours and hours for no reason which we've already done twice this pregnancy. So I only want to go if this is possibly the real deal. Im 35 weeks 0days today. Any ideas?