how can u tell the difference between labor pains and BM cramps?

edited May 2013 in Labor
I've never been in labor before not even with my firstborn so idk what it feels like but these last 2-3 days I've been experiencing what I think are contractions they've been increasingly uncomfortable and a little painful but not like a period, just like muscle cramps. This morning I've started feeling very very painful cramping but not like the contractions at all, its a very sudden intense sharp pain without the tightening in my stomach. I've had one BM this morning, not diarrhea and not too hard im not constipated. I've heard before that some women's bodys expell their waste before going into labor. Does any of this sound like labor or like nothing to fret about? Im not one to rush to l&d for every twinge or pain I just hate making my boyfriend leave work (which he will do the second I call him) and I dont like sitting in the hospital for hours and hours for no reason which we've already done twice this pregnancy. So I only want to go if this is possibly the real deal. Im 35 weeks 0days today. Any ideas?


  • Can these pains be timed? They sound line contractions. But I would start timing them. If they are consistent, then I would call L&D
  • @ashley_smashley On Friday I was timing them and it was every 30-60 minutes, but there were a couple times that I would have one then another 5 minutes later then it went back to 30-60 min apart. That was only Friday though. They haven't been consistent since then. And the pains this morning were mostly back to back for about an hour then it stopped. I haven't felt anything for about 45 minutes now, except the really heavy pain in between my legs like I've got a bowling ball resting in my vag. I've had that pain for about 2 weeks now though. Its been worse since Friday too.
  • I would call your OB just to let her know. She might want you to come in for monitoring, just to be safe.
  • They are closed today, it's a midwife type center idk how id contact her. Im looking for a nurses hotline or something to call.
  • I couldn't tell the differance. I called l&d and they told me to come in.
  • Sounds more like your body is just starting to get ready and the pain is probably baby dropping. Next time just time them and they should be few minutes apart for consists amount of time and will get more painful. I had false labor two weeks before I actually went into labor those contractions were soo horrible I had to take bath which after little wasn't helping anymore but since they eventually stopped we knew it was false alarm. And when my water broke and contractions came they were no we're near as bad as the false labor soo weird. When your doc office is open I would call just check what your doc would like u to do. The nurse hotline usually just say time everything for at least an hour.
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