Contractions or BH?

So Sunday I woke up to what felt like contractions, they were mostly on my low right side. They kept coming for about 40 min but as soon as I got out of bed they stopped so I assumed they were just BH, which I never had with my first pregnancy. But later that day I lost a bit of my plug.

Now last night around 2am I woke up with the same pain, which again went away once I got outta bed and walked around but yet again when I wiped I had a bit of thick mucous, not the ordinary discharge.

So my question is if BH can cause you to lose some of your plug or are contractions? I am 35w today btw. I know some women have contractions weeks before labor but the plug thing is confusing me.


  • You can lose pieces of your plug at any time and is not a good indication of labor, unless bloody, since your body can regenerate it. BH stop when you change positions or activity. BH are contractions, but not labor. In the weeks leading to labor, it is possible to have many contractions. Its your body's way of preparing for the big day.
  • @steph_due_101611 thanks, I know the plug is not a good indication of labor, I lost mine weeks before I had my son. I just thought it was weird that both times I had the pains I lost a little bit of plug, doesn't that mean there was probably a bit of cervical change?
  • I had bh forever with my first and they started early that's what u have since its stopped as soonas you move they do that. ReguRegular contractions will continue no matter what u do. I'm sure u know that. But the mucus is just happening doesn't mean it's related to the bh.
  • I don't think that contractions and the plug go hand in hand. It sounds like you're having BH and just happen to be losing some of your plug at the same time.
    The only reason i say that is because i've seen women on here talk about losing their plug without contractions, and others having contractions but haven't lost their plug and so on. In my case, i started losing my plug in pieces like you are at around 35wks too, but i never had BH or contractions. But if it really concerns you, you should ask your doctor on your next visit.
  • I started having contraction on Friday ranging hour to five mins apart . I had sex which in turn knocked some of my plug loose. I continued To lose it through that Sunday. My contraction.were different though. The nurse couldn't understand how I was dilating so fast with such little contractions.
  • @stephforever89 my sis was in labor with my niece and wasnt in pain. Just didn't feel right. Went to l&d was 5cm. Went home for a shower and clothes since we lived 5mins away. Got back to l&d and was at 7cm.
  • edited May 2013
    I was in pain just on really big contraction I think that was the reason I had hard time timing mine. @steph_due_101611
  • I think bh can make a bit of cervical change because if you think about it many women are 1-3cm dilated before they go into labor. They just don't continue or make significant change I guess.
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