parents who use No Cry Sleep method

edited May 2013 in Pregnant
How long did it take your lo to be independent enough to go to sleep on their own?
This is not my method... I let my son cry it out. He only had a rough time less then 4 tries and since then he goes right down on his own or plays around then goes to sleep.
I ask because the family I nanny for wants this method. I don't have a problem with it, but I have to bounce her and rock and is really tiring on my knees and ankles and I feel like I'll be paying for it in the long run. Sometimes she'll be completely out, I put her down and she lifts her head.
Just curious how long it took for your los



  • She's probably used to the arms. My daughter started sleeping through the night at 6 months but I never held her. I would lay her down and lay next to her on the bed or couch and then transfer her once she was asleep.
  • I didn't do the no cry things wasn't for my daughter she hates being rocked very independent that's why I did the very only took one night. But I agree sounds like she's just used to being in someone's arms in which cause how well would the no cry work? How old is she if u don't mind me asking? Plus I thought the point of the method was to lay them down and be on the room not walk around forever with them in your arms. Has the mom started this with her daughtercan't imagine doing that every night and nap time. Maybe the mom can change her mind lol. Good luck!
  • edited June 2013
  • yea she can sleep on her own now. Your right she's just used to being held and I don't want my child to cry but in my opinion u let them cry once they see whatever reason they are doing it for is not bad at all and we still love them and not leaving them they never cry again. When I used to watch my frirnds daughter before my hubby and I had our own I would have to walk around with that kid for at least an hour and she would fall asleep but then I put her down she be awake so I would have to start all over. I didn't like it plus I didn't think it was right for me once I had to own to teach them that was they way we sleep and unless I'm holding u then u don't sleep. If that makes sense. So I knew with my kids I would rather hear them cry that one or two times before bed before they realize oh this isn't bad at all I'm just supposed to sleep I'll see mommy later like she's here just not holding me or in the room. Like I said with my daughter took one night hopefully this baby will be the same. And I never hear her cry or anything she just goes right to sleep. I also only have had my parents or sister or aunt watch her if hubby and I have something going on and makes me feel better that she was nice and easy for them that they didn't have to rock her or listen to her cry. Therefore they don't have problem having her over at all. Not that they would but they love how fun she is and she has great schedule and as long as it's followed she's perfectly happy and we'll reasted. Maybe just ask the mom if that's what she normally does and if she's noticed any improvement and tell her about how well yourlo sleeps . Cause it's not just u doing the hardwork but I honestly think it's better for the child's rest since it only takes them minutes and they are asleep.
  • edited June 2013
  • I guess lol. I think if that method works for your child in timely manner without them constantly loosing sleep then great. If not it's ok to try new things. Well I guess I would just be honest and tell them what happened and she might be tired earlier tonight. Maybe they just need to figure it out on their own.
  • I don't let me son cry it out unless he was already asleep in his crib. Hes 2 now and I still have to pat his butt to get him to sleep. Once we move out of my inlaws we will be letting him cio to sleep on his own. Being pregnant has made thid so much harder. I'm suprised they expect you to do that hun.
  • That's still soooo young. I held my daughter and helped her to sleep til well over one year old. There's nothing wrong with her wanting to be soothed to sleep. Quite frankly, if I was her mom I'd be kinda pissed if I saw this thread. You should really be up front with her about it.
  • My daughter is 19 months old and I still rock her to sleep every night. Naps not so much though. My 8 months old son puts himself to sleep in his crib. He doesn't like to be cuddled and rocked, while my daughter loves to be held. They are only young once, so I don't mind rocking her. Someday I'll wish I could do it again.
  • I don't let my kids cry it out, but I don't rock them or hold them until they fall asleep either. I guess I teach them to sleep on their own from birth so I never have to go through that. I'm so glad I've been able to do that because I feel so bad for moms that I hear talk about stuff like this. I wish there was a way all new moms could know how get babies to sleep on their own from the beginning, HOWEVER, I know some moms LOVE rocking their babies to sleep like mentioned above & that's okay too. Each family is different. I just feel really bad when someone has to do cry it out or something that just doesn't work for them. :(
  • @wilsomom yes that's how I did it that's why I said the first night I did a new routine she cried bc she was confused but I didn't just lock her up and let her at it until she stopped I couldn't do that. But like I was saying that was only first time after first not she didn't cry for anything cause she realized oh ok this is just what mommy and I are going to do. I still do the same routine with her. There are things I can miss though if we're traveling or super busy and she will still have an amazing night sleep. We eat and play and have fun bath time and read or watch night time short show it all gets her tired then relaxed that she's just naturally ready for bed. That's why I don't agree with people not looking at their options and trying their own routines but rather carry them around for hours. And like u said nothing wrong with snuggling or whatever but for those trying to figure out how to get their lo to sleep without walking around forever I always suggest a good routine. That way they are not crying bc they are confused and don't need to be rocked either bc they are so tired from fun day :)
  • edited June 2013
    @Starrxoxo9 harsh a lil?

    I definitely think you should mention other possible methods to the parents. HOWEVER, I applaud the fact that even though you disagree with this method you respect the parents wishes and perform your job to their specifications.
    I have NEVER been one to hold my kids without necessity. in doing this my children are very independent and confident. all my children slept through the night by 5 months and RARELY needed any additional attention after being placed in their beds to sleep. granted what works for one doesn't work for all.
    self soothing is a necessary skill to a fully functional life and I do not believe a child that is held all the time can possibly master this life skill
  • edited June 2013
    @soon2be3, I would love for you to meet my son! He proves your little theory wrong. He is the most independent 2 year old I know, and everyone agrees....and guess what?! We rock him to sleep for naps, and bed time...and holy crap, I respond to all his cries, and hold him whenever he asks for it. Yet he plays most the day independently, and prefers to do things his self.

    My thought in the rocking thing are, they are only young for a short short time, so why not snuggle them to sleep? I enjoy it when my husband snuggles me to sleep, why would I expect any different from my son!
  • @starrxoxo9 my question was how long does it take until they go to sleep on their own. I still respecttheir wishes and put her down how they want so it's not like I'm making her cry when they aren't home. but like I said the reason I payed this thread is because I was wondering. I don't know anyone else who does this. Or atleast no one who admits it.

    I'm just glad Levi is able to go down on his own or it would be much harder to do my job with 2 that can't self sleep. Don't get me wrong when he is felling icky I don't make him cry it out. I cuddle him to bed if needed.

    Levi also wasn't much of a cuddler once he got older tho.
  • @soon2be3 I agree and my daughter very independent and because she loves to explore so much she's very smart. I think some kids are that way naturally but I knew kids that were clingy so I didn't want my daughter to not be able to get the full experience (in my eyes) bc she needs me around 24/7 I guess I know all many kids who are so attached that they won't explore at the park or other kids and try new things I didn't want that for my daughter so I decided to just have good routine to avoid any crying before bed or naps yet she knows how and what night night is never will u hear her cry herself. I don't want to torture poor thing but if there are other things other then rocking them or carrying them around forever then why not try those options?!
  • I do wish I could "rock" her to sleep that would be much easier then bouncing like a crazy person lol.
  • My daughter didn't put herself to sleep til about 14 months. And now her two year molars are comingin so its a whole new ballgame.
  • @leviluv8 to answer your original question, every child is different. We semi did CIO with Madison, I went in every 3 minutes (I could not handle her crying very well). It took about 2 days, however we didn't even think about it until 12 months
    I think you said somewhere she is 5 months? That is far too young, we didn't let Madison cry at all until we wanted her to learn to fall asleep on her own (after 12 m)
    You could say something to the parents, but they are paying you to do things their way. Unless you have a back up job in mind, I'd be careful how you go about it. New parents (or any parents) don't like to be told their method of parenting isn't working.
    I wish you luck! And I'm sorry it's so tiring
  • I don't know if my kids are just weird or what but they all sleep through the night by 6 weeks...not months. And at 6 weeks I mean an 8 hour night. As they get a little older it becomes a 10 hour night, then later a 12 hour night. I don't know how you ladies do it for months or even years! I would go crazy! Lol :)
  • @wilsomom my kids must be weird to she was naturally sleeping threw the night by that point too I still got up to pump but she be sounds asleep. I remember first time I was freaking out and kept checking on her lol
  • @kimberly4411 thank you! Yeah I was not planing on bringing it up to them. I was honestly just curious of how it works cuz I had no idea! I just wish I could rock her to sleep.... It wouldn't put so much pressure on my legs! I know I said I bounce and rock her butby that I meant bounce with a rocking motion lol standing!
  • @leviluv8 have you tried swaddling? Madison had to be swaddled until about 12 months lol I would use a light blanket and wrap it so I was holding it snug, once I laid her down she would eventually wiggle out of it cause it loosened quickly, she could sleep without being swaddled but had to be swaddled in order to fall asleep
  • @kimberly4411 no I've never tried swaddling because when I started they told me she doesn't like being swaddled. Lol
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