Tv characters you hate lol

I can't stand Kiki from The fresh beat band. Ugh. Her face, her voice, her actions all aggravate me! My daughter loves that show so it sucks I have to listen to her terrible voice all day long. I just want to kick her lol


  • Peter rabbit! Madison may be only 20 months, but she isn't allowed to watch it. that stupid show teaches kids its ok to steal and how to be sneaky about it.
    Also, little bill is a huge pain in the ass.
    And ruby from max and ruby, I cannot watch that show
  • Spongebob. I hate that show with a passion and all the characters in it.
  • Calliou. Fuck that whiney kid. Lol
  • @Kimberly4411 ugh i can't stand max and ruby!!! I specially can't stand max. Wow i haven't watched Peter rabbit and now I'm not sure i ever will let her.

    @kimalee2288 i used to love it but it annoys me now.

    @Natashalynn you couldn't of said it better lol.
  • Baby Bopp!!:
  • edited June 2013
    Dora, sophia the first, goofy and claribel max from max n ruby evryone from doc mcstuffins and spongebob
  • @mijita baby bop as in from Barney?? I didn't even know that show was still on tv!! I uses to love baby bop but would probably hate her now lol
  • Yes! My LO watches him on Netflix.
  • Dora just makes me wanna break something!! And Brobee from yo gabba gabba is so annoying and whiney!! Im always yelling "suck it up brobee"lol
  • Ruby from max and ruby and dora and everyone from yo gabba gabba lol
  • Yo gabba gabba, little bill, max and ruby in that order... hahaha
  • Lmao this is a funny post. I hate pheneas and ferb. I hate them so bad that I will not allow my son to watch it in the livingroom.
  • We only watch the sprout channel but I hate Barney and caillou can get annoying lol
  • Brobee from yo gabba gabba. Dino Dan. Max from Max and ruby because all he says is ONE FREAKIN word the entire episode! Tickicy tock cast. Mike the knight. Omizoomi(?) Pretty much the charactors from all the shows my kids are addicted to. Dora isn't that bad to me. Its that damn part of the show when the map is talking that kills me
  • Caillou! I HATE him with a passion. My niece used to watch him, but thank god i got her to watch something else cause he's a spoiled little brat lol (jk but you know what i mean).
  • Wow. I haven't watched or heard of most of these shows. I used to watch Barney when I was little. I didn't know that show still existed. I hated Calillou. Max and Ruby WAS tolerable. My cousin (now 9) used to love Dora glad she moved on when she turned 4.

    I'm sorry I still kinda like Spongebob, but I wouldnt let my kids watch it.
  • edited June 2013
    I can only tolerate Mickey Mouse club house, Sophia the first and doc mcstuffins. EVERYTHING else really gets under my skin especially calliou! My friends daughter watches calliou a lot. I think that show teaches your children how to be Spoilled little cry baby brats! LOL
  • Have you heard of Adventure Time? It's a show my teen watches & he always tries to convince me it's a kids show. It's horrific, I wouldn't even watch it myself let alone let the kids. I hate it.
  • @Wilsomom I hate adventure time and the new one sanjay and the freaking snake !
  • I hate clarabelle & her stupid moo muffins. I also hate Tweety Bird, my daughter saw him at six flags & loves him. Cailou is annoying but luckily my daughter doesn't watch anything but mickey mouse & doc mcstuffins.

    Now let me ask you this, does anyone get up and dance when Choo Choo Soul comes on...I love that one.
  • Spongebob won't let my son watch it. Also caillou gets old too. My fiance says he wants to shoot caillou. Unfortunately my son loves him Lol.
  • Madison will never be allowed to watch Cartoon Network, as soon as she gets old enough to flip channels that one is getting blocked, nothing but mush on that channel.
  • I forgot about the wiggles. I hate that show! Luckily Brody does too! @kimberly4411 cartoon network has nothing anymore. I agree with you. Even the new Scooby doo show is terrible. Nothing like when I was a kid!
  • Doodle Bops on Saturday mornings.... I think the y are on CBS. I can't stand that show!!! I find them creepy lol
  • I absolutely can't stand Olivia! And that dumbass "small potatoes" commercial song thing they play ALL the time drives me friggin crazy!!!
  • @brodysmamma I just bought Xavier the box set of the old Scooby zoo show. I loved it growing up he has been crazy over it I think if I have to watch one more episode I'm going to do something drastic. I also don't allow him to watch sponge Bob I think it is crude. Also hate team umi zoomi with bot and his belly belly screen unfortunately Xavier loves it and it is a change up from doo
  • @Stella how old is your son? I would love to get Brody some old cartoons to watch instead of all the junk on tv now days. Have you seen word world that one is cute its on PBS super early in the morning.
  • @brodysmamma Xavier will be two July 21st. I found them on eBay it was a box set for three season 8 disc was $50 I know that seem like a lot but was totally worth it he is crazy for Scooby I also bought three seasons of what's new Scooby doo. I'm a little bit of a eBay addict. lol. No haven'tseen that but we really don't watch pbs a lot of Disney junior when I can convince him Scooby is sleeping. I'll have to check it out.
  • How old is Brody?
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