Leaving work and blah blah blah....

edited June 2013 in Pregnant
When did u ladies decide to leave from work before having baby? My c section is scheduled for july 5th. Im really considering jus asking my doc to let me off work i work on an assembly line its hot and now they are making us work 11 hrshrs n i have to be up at 4:30 am im trying to stick it out but i am soo tired...idk what to do.


  • I would leave asap that's too much work fir a 8 month pregnant girl
  • I worked until the day I got induced...mainly because I get no paid time off
  • Well if u get paid and the leave is the same after the baby either way then I don't see why not..I got paid and didn't change how long I got to be home after. And if u don't need the money obviously I stopped working couldn't be away from my lo an we didn't need the money. If that's not the case I would wait little bit longer. That's a lot of hrs though I'm sorry what kind of company is it if u don't mind me asking?
  • Its called Nexteer Automotive i make steering wheel columns and im going to be paid for my time off after baby and to be paid for before baby i would have to be off a total of 8 days first to be paid
  • Well if u get paid then u might as well but for my it was only small part of what my regular income is that's too keep in mind and it will take some time for u to actually get the money I didn't like that wish I knew at the time!
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