I feel like a crazy woman lol.

Its been 3 weeks since my baby was born and i miss my belly!!! Lol
I feel like a crazy woman. The last few weeks of pregnancy were the longest and i was so ready to have my baby. Now, 3 weeks later, i find myself rubbing my tummy like i did when i was pregnant! I absolutely love the mommy life, and i wouldn't want it any other way but i feel so weird lol. And i look at my baby and i have no clue how he fit in there lol.

I have my 6wk pp appointment on 7/1/13 and im supposed to be getting birth control that day. I did a lot of research because i would like to wait anywhere from 3-5 years before i try again, but all these options made me real nervous so im gonna play it safe and just stick to what i know has worked for me in the past; the pill (Lo Loestrin Fe to be exact).

I think that's about it right now lol.


  • It's ok after little longer u will forget about the belly that happened to me. But I think it's great idea to stick to what has worked well for you!
  • @jules its funny to me... Not so long ago i was ready to get him out and now i feel weird without my belly lol. And as far as the BC, yeah i just have to go with what i know worked best for me cause knowing myself i would beat myself up if for whatever reason the BC caused me to have problems later on.
  • I think that's fairly common to feel that way, you're not crazy! ;)
  • Ya that's one reason why I never have or will do birth control way to much gets effected which is obvious most of them are hormones but the once that may not be are either not as reliable or have way too many damgerous side effects especially if one was to become pregnant while on it. But I say if u have something that works well no reason to see if the grass is greener on the other side rarely that's the case
  • Im right there with you. I said no more babies and now here i am asking hubby when we can try for. another lol. I have my 6 week pp check next week and still havent decided. I was leaning towards paraguard but now im thinking just the pill.
  • @wilsomom thank god!!! Lol
    @jules yeah, BC isn't for everyone.
    @morgdeebee i want two more, but i want them a few years apart.
  • Very true I am for sure one of those lol
  • Mine are 2 years apart and i love the age difference. My oldest is very independent and just wants to help amd hold her sister.
  • I had my daughter at the end of april, my other daughter will be 2 at the end of august and my son turned 3 at the end of february. Call me crazy but here i am 7 weeks postpartum and i swore i wasnt having anymore. Im already secretly praying god will give me another one. My husband and i agreed on three and right now they keep mes so busy, but if im already hoping for one more, i cant imagine how i will feel in a year or five years lol
  • @coltensmamma oh, this baby is enough for me for a few years lol. I miss him being in my belly lol. I feel like my pregnancy flew by. I love that i have him here now, but i miss waking up to his little kicks... Its all so surreal to me. When i lost my daughter in 2011, i thought i would never be able to carry a baby full term. But this baby boy is my miracle :)
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