Just sick or is something wrong?

edited June 2013 in Third Trimester
I'm 31 weeks and I feel like crap today. My stomach hurts like I want to throw up. My back is achy and I'm exhausted. I just don't feel right. I have no fever or anything. I don't know if I'm just getting sick or if something is going on. Baby has been moving like normal. Just don't know.


  • Aww hon it just sounds like being pregnant! U may be getting sick but as long as u keep fluids and a normal temp u will be ok :)
  • @Adrians_mommy thanks for responding. I just feel like crap. I never felt like this with my first.
  • Sounds like pregnancy to me too. I feel the same & I'm only 20 weeks.
  • Well I think I figured it out. My husband asked me when the last time I pooped. ( maybe tmi) but that's what it was. Duh I'm an idiot. Lol.
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