gassy baby

edited June 2013 in Babies Health
Any advice on helping my gassy 2 wk old. I'm using gas drops and they do very little.


  • Gas drops didn't work for my lo either so we got get this all natural tummy thing that put in microwave for 30 seconds it gets little warm not even got don't worry barely warn it also smells good and the stuff inside not only helps with the gas but calms them down in general. I got mine at buy buy baby but I think they have it at babiesrus as well! My daughter is 18 months now and she gets gas every one in awhile use it every time works right away! Plus I like that im not just given her medicine ya know. But for now maybe something warm in her the tummy would help.
  • edited June 2013
    I gave my baby the Mommy's Bliss Apple flavored Gripe Water for colic and gass and it has worked really good. And this gripe water is organic, which is pretty cool. I bought it at Walmart for $10.
  • Im having the same problem with my 7 week old. Been going on since she was about 2 weeks..she grunts constantly and pulls her legs to her belly. I have been keeping a food log, and so far nothing i cut out seems to make a differnce. The only sure thing that works for us is a warm bath. :(
  • Doctor told me gas droos only make the parents feel like they are doing something.
  • I used colic calm gripe water bc it is approved by the fda. To my knowledge they are the only ones that have been tested by the fda.
  • Colic calm is amazing!
  • Great! Will def try all until one works! He seems to be worse at night and we get no sleep! Thanks sooo much ladies! Wish us luck!
  • We used to bicycle Madison's legs, push his knees gently into his stomach to help get the gas out, have you tried a swaddle at night?
  • I used gas drops that I purchased from yhe pharmacy of thr childrens hospital I work at. They usually worked like a charm and were cheap. My parents however swear by a pinch of baking soda. My dad put just a little on the tip of his finger and let her suck it off. She calmed down shortly after.
  • Bicycle legs. The only gas drops that worked on my daughter was the walmart brand ones lol. But they did the trick and also mothers bliss gripe water. Can't live without it.
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