mirena users

how long did it take you to even out. I know it says it can take 3-6 months for it to do that and in the mean time you could be bleeding a while, but holy eff!!! I'm so sick of bleeding! I started to lighten up around six weeks after having my son when I got the mirena put in and have been bleeding ever since with the exception of four glorious days at the end of May. so basically I've been wearing a pad since December 29th and I'm so sick of It. When will it stop???


  • I didn't have any bleeding with my mirena. I was breastfeeding when I had I put in and once I stopped I had the mirena for six months spotted one month than nothing after that. I hope it lightens up for I was once on a birth control ehere you were suppose to only get four periods a year and bleed foe four months straight it was horrible. I feel your pain :( have you asked your dr about this seems like that's a very long time.
  • I bled for a little over three months then my Doctor suggested removal cause it made me cramp really bad and bleed constantly
  • It took forever for me to completely stop, I would say probably close to 4 or 5 months...was horrible! I was about ready to get it out but then I stopped and only spotted maybe twice the rest of the year.
  • I bled for an entire month but then stopped and only bled for a few days after I had sex. It's been about 2 months and I've regulated pretty well.
  • Some people will have spotting almost everyday while on it. When I got my iud (paragard not the Mirena) i bleed for 2 months straight and had suppper heavy bleeding. Now that I'm a yr my periods have slowed down. Maybe your body is taking awhile. If its like a normal/heavy period type bleeding everyday then call your Dr. It may not be in the correct place
  • edited June 2013
    I bled for a good 3 to 4 months before it stopped now I just get very very light spotting for a few days. I also had the worst cramps with it but they stopped when the bleeding did.
  • I had it for a year. I don't remember how long i bled for at first, but my period never stopped or slowed down. I never knew when it was coming and the whole year i had a terrible cramp on my side.
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