My baby is a month old today.... :'(

edited June 2013 in Babies
My baby is growing up too fast lol. I wanna cry. He's such a smart baby, people don't believe me when i tell them how old he is.
He can roll from his back to his belly, and he smiles now. Im just so amazed...

@stephforever89 how's your baby doing?


  • Aww I no the newborn stage flies by an that's my fav part lol!!
  • @mrz_jackson i know! I want him to stay little.
  • That's great, sounds like he trying to make room for baby #2. Miss Kailyn is doing great. She had her 1 month check up today. She weighs 9lbs 1.5oz, 20 in long. I can already tell she goingto be a social butterfly. Its sad they are growing up.
  • Wow, I can't believe it's been that long! It seems like just a week ago. :) They do grow up fast.
  • @stephforever89
    Baby #2 will be here in a few more years lol. Im glad baby Kailyn is doing good.

    @wilsomom i feel the same way!
  • Mine will be 2 months on monday :(
  • Lol Idk son was like that. Then 19months later his baby sissy is here lol.
  • @2lilblessings why do they have to grow so fast??? Lol.

    @stephforever89 trust me, im sure there won't be another baby until this one is at least 3 lol. There is still a lot of things the hubby and i need to accomplish. Im still young, im in no rush lol.
  • Lol I feel ya. I've been thinking about going back too school. Still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Lol
  • @stephforever89 yeah im going back to school too this fall. I had started an ultrasound tech program last fall and i wasn't able to continue the spring semester cause i had complications with my pregnancy... But im determined to finish what i started.
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