Can you believe it...

My son is in jail again! He got off house arrest last Friday then Tuesday decided to sneak out to a party & was there all night getting stoned & drunk. He had just started a new job at a body shop last week making good money & learning a skill he can use for a career. I'm so disappointed...things were starting to look up. I am trying to not let it stress me out as much this time though.


  • Oh no! I'm so sorry
  • Was he on probation? Is that why he's in jail? Sorry Hun!
  • edited June 2013
    Thanks @sands3 @monkey_girl Yeah he was on probation with a 10pm curfew, plus around here if you're out all night without parents permission it's against the law. And...he failed the drug & alcohol screen. He's been clean since February then decides to do this. :(
  • Try not to stress. There is only so much one can do as a parent. At some point he'll get it.
  • Omg seriously is he ever gonna learn it's like he likes it their, and now since his been in the system they are no longer even going to try and give him a break I just feel bad for you bc I've I know u want the best for him so u must be sad yet frustrated, plus u don't need the stress and the responsibility that comes from his actions. I'm very very sorry this keeps happening.
  • @jules Yeah, it's very sad & frustrating. I'm just praying that his friends will let him down or something so he can realize it's not worth it. I've done pretty much all I can do.
  • You have for sure done what you can. And I hope he can see his friends aren't real friend bc if they were they would try their best to keep him out of trouble not cause it.
  • @wilsomom Omgosh hun I'm so sorry! :-( I was really hoping he would stay on track. He was doing so darn good too!! *hugs* I hope you're okay?
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