How long does it take.....

edited July 2013 in Postpartum Health
For the pregnancy symptoms to subside after giving birth?
Im 6wks pp and i still have some symptoms. Its crazy! I still have crazy cravings and i still feel light headed when i get up too fast. I don't even know if it has anything to do with pregnancy symptoms, but it has got to stop.

Anyone have some answers?


  • The cravings never seem to stop. Lol is your iron or blood sugar low? That may be why you get light headed when standing. Maybe try standing up slower.
  • Well maybe cravings are still there if your breastfeeding cause of that the hormons stick around..but other then that all my other symptoms were home really fast. It could be your iron.
  • edited July 2013
    My cravings just went away when i found out i was pregnant again... so 20 months later lol. and I'm almost positive its your iron. Through pregnancy and birth the baby tends to take lots of vitamins. That's why you'll hear of some people eating or making a supplement out of their placenta. Usually your symptoms should subside but everyone is different.
  • @ericak22 @mommylovessparkle i guess its my iron. My iron is usually always low. I was actually anemic during my pregnancy and when i went in to have my scheduled c-section my blood count was low and it got dangerously lower after the blood i lost during surgery so i ended up getting 3 units of blood afterwards.

    @jules im not breastfeeding so i guess it is my iron.
  • Oh ok yea I would say talk to your doc have them test the iron again that's probably what it is..or u can take iron see if that helps.
  • @jules yeah im gonna do that. And the birth control i got also has iron so hopefully that helps.
  • Well that's good hope it helps u and you feel more like yourself soon!
  • @jules i hope so too. Im still very emotional and its crazy!
  • Yes that part takes longer lol unfortunately but you will look back and laugh at it later. I did :)
  • @jules i laugh like an hour later lol. Im telling you, im going crazy. I get all worked up, and then i cry and the i calm down and then an hour later im laughing at how fast i start crying lol.
  • That's funny. I had moment when I just wanted to cry but didn't know why. One time I actually did start and my hubby was asking why I was crying I said I don't know so he didn't believe me kept asking thought I just didn't wanna tell him or something until I stopped and said I really don't know can't help it. Then of course I'm laughing about it. Hormones are very weird and interesting thing ha?! :)
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  • @jules lol. Pregnancy can really make us look crazy lol.
  • @homebirthadvocate thank you. I want all of my symptoms to go away, but most of all i want to not have these crazy cravings! Im 5ft tall and i weigh 185lbs. I need to lose this weight because its not healthy and these cravings are making it real hard.
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