Question about flying with a toddler & being pregnant.

edited July 2013 in Pregnant
I will go over these questions with my doctor and airlines but I'm clueless right now just wondering if anyone can answer my questions.

Can I travel at 15 weeks(leaving) and 19 weeks(coming home)?
Can I bring my toddlers advil and other medicines on the plane?
Can I bring bottles with milk on the plane?
Can I bring my makeup/straightener/curling iron in my luggage?
Would I be able to buy spacebags pack my clothes and daughters clothes in there to make more space in the luggage?
What about me going through the xray machine being pregnant? Do i have to do it?

That's all the questions i have for now lol sorry i haven't flown since i was 8 with my parents.


  • edited July 2013
    I flew a 1hr 25mn flight round-trip with my (then)23month old and I was 28-29 weeks pregnant so there shouldn't be a problem with how far along you are. Being as big as I was, I was stunned that nobody working the airport or plane at any point asked me how far I was or for a dr note. I could've been 38 weeks for all they knew. Anyway- any liquid like your baby's medicine under 4 oz is definitely ok, if it's over 4 oz they stick the bottle in this machine for a couple seconds and it checks that the liquid is what it says it is and not any explosive formula or whatever they are afraid of. I was able to take my sons bottle of water and his full sippy cup of juice without problems. There would be absolutely no problems with your hair dryer/curling iron/Straightener or makeup in your luggage under the plane. Idk about carrying those in your carry-on I just packed mine under the plane to be safe. Along with that Id recommended that you do not put a baggage lock on your suitcase becaae if tsa sees something that they want to double check (even something innocent like a Straightener could look odd on xray) they will break your lock and/or suitcase open without a care in the world about your property and make hardly any effort to fix it or carefully close it back up. My dad told me this when I was packing. Just a caution. Spacebags wouldn't be a problem and that's actually a smart idea I would've never thought of that.
    Do you know if the airports your traveling through have just old fashion metal detectors or the newer see-through-your-clothes body scanners? Well either way really it doesn't matter for two reasons- 1) you have a little toddler with you so you automatically will be redirected through the old fashioned metal detector while carrying your child and you do not have to remove the baby's shoes either just yours. Reason 2) if there is an xray u are allowed to opt out of it in exchange for the metal wand and a quick pat down-anybody is allowed to opt out of the invasive body scanners because of the controversial privacy issue that some have, and also it isn't safe for pregnancy and other health conditions. Just say your pregnant they wont give you a hard time. Hope this answers your questions :) id advise u bring lots of things for your toddler to do while flying. I wish I would've thought to bring more activities like coloring books, some toys that arnt too annoyingly noisy but engage him like handheld brain-puzzlers, an etch-a-sketch, whatever u think might entertain for more than 5 minutes. Lots of snacking foods. Are u getting a seperate seat for your toddler or is it a lap ticket? I had a lap ticket because it was no charge that way but I wished very much I could've paid for his.own seat because then I would've been strap his toddler carseat into itand he wouldn't have been up the whole.time and fight me trying to hold him in my lap.
  • Thank you so much for all the answers :) i appreciate it! @adrians_mommy Wow that was horrible of the airport to not ask you. :( I live in Las Vegas so I'm positive we have all the high tech metal detectors since there is so many tourists and people coming in and out all the time. I want to get my daughter a seat but then again she won't even sit in the car and all she does is scream and throw a fit so i doubt she'll sit long enough in the chair, but then again when she does sit she wants to sit on her own. Confusing and difficult i know lol. I was thinking to maybe bring her a portable dvd player (if that's okay?) and making sure she's asleep most of the whole ride (it should be late at night or early morning. So she'll be really sleepy anyway, lets just hope she sleeps lol.) I didn't know you can bring the car seat on the plane :) if i get her a seat that's a great idea. Does it cost more to have the car seat there? Thank you for telling me about the locks! I probably wouldn't be that smart to think of putting locks on it but its always good to know because now ill remember not to do it :)
  • edited July 2013
    I actually have a funny story @adrians_mommy lol When i was little and up until last year (i was 20) I thought that the luggage on the luggage spinner thing went underground to the city you went to, i had NO idea at all that it goes on the bottom of the plane with you until my boyfriend told me last year lol. He still teases me about it lol
  • That's funny about the luggage lol
    Im actually not far away from u at all I live in reno I used to fly to Vegas all the time before I had kids ( I grew up in Vegas) and yes they will have body scanners that u will not take your daughter through so that's solved :) now how old is she? And how long is the flight? It does not cost anything to bring a carseat and check it under the plane but every airline is different. I would go onto the website of the airline you are flying and look at their policies and make your decision from there about getting her own seat or a lap ticket. For example- I flew southwest airlines when I traveled from Reno to Portland OR and I had to call them to find out everything I needed and this is what I had decided - I flew there with my two free checked suitcases under the plane and no carryon. In Portland my mom had bought my son a new toddler carseat and an umbrella stroller to use while we were there. When I flew home I was allowed to check.the carseat under the plane with my two suitcases and it was no additional charge because i had a toddler with a lap ticket. I then used my umbrella stroller to push him through the airport and I was allowed to bring it onto the plane when boarding the flight attendants just keep it up in the front of the plane for you till u get off. I highly recommend bring an umbrella stroller to use through the airport because it will be so much easier u got your purse and/or diaper bag to carry, u have to fuss with taking shoes off and pretty much anything that will set off metal detector, walking through mccarran airport which can be like maneuvering thru Disneyland.. all this is easier with a child safely strapped into a stroller rather than dragging behind u while fighting you trying to hold her hand.
    I also tried to plan on flying during what would be sleeping hours for my toddler. Did not work. They are too excited about what's going.on and curious about all the stuff and people around to be sleeping. Even though I kept my son awake all day and didnt let him nap at all (which was hard to do because I was being a bad mom keeping him awake when he was getting sleepy) then feeding him a late, filling dinner, my flight at 9pm and he still stayed awake the whole time! But u bet he fell asleep when we got in the car lol. I dont see why you couldn't bring a DVD player. My son loves putting headphones on and listening to my iPod so that would've probably worked well for him if I had one. Like I said go online or call the airline and ask about additional charges for carseats and using it on the plane then decide if its worth it. Good luck :)
  • If you're going to be traveling alone and have a friend that would help, you're allowed one person to go with you past security to help with everything.
    I think my grandma, daughter and I are going to California in a couple months, I'll be super pregnant and she'll be 23 months. I'm already nervous about it! Lol
    Share your pointers when you get done!!
  • @Kimberly4411 is right I traveled alone but I was able to have my sister walk with me all the way to the gate and then I had my stepdad walk me at the other airport. Couldn't have done it without them
  • How old is your daughter going to be again?
  • Sorry guys my phone shut off today and i was too lazy to pay it lol

    @adrians_mommy oh wow that's awesome! I didn't know you were in Nevada! How great :) I grew up here too :) Thank you for all the tips :) I will be flying with my grandma that will help me with everything. That story about your baby not sleeping is probably going to happen to me too. She'll probably get all excited and such. I think the flight will be around 7 hours maybe? I can't remember but its non stop so that's good.
  • @Kimberly4411 I'll be flying with my grandma :) ill for sure give your pointers :)
  • @ashley_smashley she'll be 22 months by the time i fly.
  • Oh wow 7 hours!! Yeah mine was way short compared to that. I am almost sure she will sleep for some part of that. Knowing that now I would definitely definitely recommend going ahead and getting her own seat ... u really dont want to have her stuck in your lap that long u will be very uncomfortable.
  • @adrians_mommy i just counted again and i forgot about the 3 hour time diffence. The flight will be 4 hours. I really want to put her in her own seat but i know she won't sit long and she's going to want to stand up and sit on me too. She's literally so horrible in the car i don't even want to think about the plane lol. I think I'll have her sit on my lap (its $300 cheaper) and just get her really tired and bring the dvd player she loves movies. Some toys too but she hardly plays with toys, she'll play for two mins and forget about it. But she does love makeup maybe ill get her a pretend makeup set.
  • Trust me when I say that you want an extra seat! She may want to sit with you, but you will want the extra spread out room..those seats are tiny.
  • That's what i was thinking , but i keep going back and forth about getting a seat or not since she's basically attached to me anyways. @ashley_smashley
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