Can I rebuild my supply?

I feel like my supply has decreased and I'm wondering if I can build it back up? My LO is a 10 days old and I had been staying at my moms for help for the first week, well I am not one for bf in front of people so with being in a house with 3 other people there were times when formula feeding was easier. Oh and btw I want to mostly bf but am also supplementing. Now I am home and will be able to dedicate much more time to bf, wondering if I have hope..


  • Pumping should help :) Good Luck! My little man is 10days old and he eats a lot, so I have had rock hard breast (tmi) I have been pumping between feedings. Now I have too much milk.
  • Mothers milk tea, fenugreek, pumping
  • Honestly with my first I tried everything I was pumping between feedings, drank mothers milk tea and took febugreek like crazy, I ate nice healthy, lots water nothing helped to increase my supply. I took all the advice that was given to me on here thank God I have everyone on here. But I think with me it was my body weight wasn't high enough. I'm gonna try like crazy again when our second baby girl gets here. But most respond well to the tea and fenugreek well try that and if you pump do every two hrs for 20 minutes will really get things going from what I've read. I hope it works for you, good luck!
  • I had low supply from the start. I refused to supplement with formula, so I took fenugreek and blessed thistle 3 - 3x/day, pumped after every feeding and supplemented the BM I had pumped earlier to ensure my LO was getting her fill. It's possible, it's just tons of hard work. Don't give up and you'll see your supply gradually increase if your are consistent. I literally felt like I was pumping 24x7 and really was for the first few weeks.
  • @mijita @jules @sands3 @heather3girls1boy thanks ladies, I am waiting for my pump, should be getting it today. I will pump as much as I can, with a 20 mo old running around its already hard to even feed my newborn so I'm not sure how it will go. Where can I get the fenugreek or mothers tea?
  • @mijita @jules @sands3 @heather3girls1boy thanks ladies, I am waiting for my pump, should be getting it today. I will pump as much as I can, with a 20 mo old running around its already hard to even feed my newborn so I'm not sure how it will go. Where can I get the fenugreek or mothers tea?
  • edited July 2013
    I have a 15 month old as well so I feel you there, I breastfeed anywhere and everywhere. While I'm cooking dinner, folding laundry, making lunch, ect..... I have seen them both at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and Pick and Save. Hope that helps
  • I got my stuff at health food store like either a Henrys or Raleys. But I think Wal-Mart will have the fenugreek but maybe not the tea.
  • I got the tea at Harris Teeter
  • I saw the tea at a GNC.
  • I bought fenugreek and mothers milk tea at walmart. The tea was in the tea section and fenugreek with the vitamins. They both helped me when I was trying to up my supply along with pumping. Good luck.
  • Eating a bowl of real oatmeal ( not instant) every day will help too.
  • I didn't take anything but pumped every two to three hrs & my supply just started increasing. Like I told @juliansmommy I pumped for 11 months with nyla bc she wouldnt latch on but I had so much milk I can feed a whole village lol. Good luck. Im glad zori is warming up to his lil brother. I think nyla will b super jealous once baby gets here. She gets jealous when ppl tease her that im their mommy n she runs to me n try n pull me away lol. But she knoes theres a baby in my belly n she kisses my belly when I ask her to :)
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