any oilfield wives?

So women think it's awesome to be an oilfield wife and it somewhat is since I'm able to be a stay at home mom of 2 little ones and we were able to afford a home and pay off 2 cars by the age of 19 and 23 but what they dont see is the fact that we are physically single parents 85% of the time. We have to either have 2 separate holiday/birthday celebrations or have it on a completely different day. When my first born was 2 months old, my husband had to move 3&1/2 hrs away for 12 days at a time and 4 days off for 4 months so he had to watch our daughter grow thru video, pics, and video calls. Now my second is almost 2 months and convieniently he has to go back to that location for who knows how long for a week at a time. I feel the anxiety building. Anybody else go through this?


  • My father in law is working as a truck dispatcher for the oil rigs in nd. He works 7 on 7 off and has to commute 8 hours or so to get home. It really sucks that he is gone. I know my mil even though already nutty, this puts her over the edge! I couldnt imagine being in your shoes! Hang in there, you are doing great!
  • My husband was the guy that comes before the oil fielders (he finds the oil, seismic). He worked 2300 miles away, for 8 weeks at a time. He came home for 10 days, then went back for another 8 weeks. I saw my husband for a total of 60 days ever year. For 6 years (2,190 days) straight. So out of 6 years he worked there, I saw him for a total of 360 days, that's less than a year. I would have traded scenarios with you any day!
  • I just think its funny when women tell me "your so lucky & I wish I had a man that had that job" no lol I would much rather have him here more then money especially with an almost 2 yr old and almost 2 mth old not even for help but it makes me said when I have to show him videos of his daughters first milestones& @Fate I would be beside myself. .I doubt we would have any children right now if I was in that situation
  • I would hate that, my husband works the graveyard shift & iI get mad cuz he sleeps thru half the day when he's home. I can't imagine him being gone days or weeks at a must be kinda lonely for you.
  • My husband is a frac supervisor with a 14/7 schedule its terrible we have 3 under 5
  • Haha. We have 4 kids and one on the way. He got a different job so I see him every single day now. :)
  • My fiancé has been looking for a job in ND, I'm emotionally preparing myself for when his friend calls and says he has a job. Idk what his schedule will be like but we live in Wa state so I don't think we will be able to see each other often :( this is something he has been considering doing for the 4 years we have been together and even before we got together. I want him to stay home but I know he will regret not going and The little bit of unselfishness in me wants him to do it.
  • Omg girl I couldn't take that my hb works 7am to 3pm and I have 3 kids and 29 weeks pregnant and I can't take hb not been home !
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