pooping 10< a day??

edited July 2013 in Babies Health
My 9 day old has been a constant pooping machine since we've been home! Literally every diaper, every time I change her she poops right away again. My first son would poop once a week for a long time and I was told that was normal. He was also a formula baby with a milk intolerance so it was soy formula than the nutramigen because soy constipated him. My new baby is exclusively breastfed and she is eating anywhere from every 30 min to 3 hours. Im just not familiar with my baby pooping so often because of how my firstborn was. Does anybody else's baby go ten or more times a day? Is this a reason to call her pediatrician?


  • When lily was that little it seemed like she pooped every time I changed her too. She still poops a lot actually probably at least 3 to 5 times a day at 20 months old. So for me it was normal to have her poop that much.
  • Breast milk is digested very easily and a BF baby will poop more often. My LO pooed every time I changed her diaper. :-)
  • My son was the same way. I literally changed 10-15 poop diapers a day
  • Im glad she's a normal baby! Lol
  • Totally normal lol both of my kids poop like 6 times or more a day!
  • My 15 day old was the same exact way up until a few days ago, he still poops a few times a day but not as much as before. I would change his poopy diaper and as soon as I closed his new diaper he would poop again!
  • Oh I do not miss those days lol. My daughter was the same, every diaper had poop!
  • I've noticed she has been having belly cramps sometimes when she's about to poop she starts crying really loud and rubbing her belly seems to help but she doesn't stop fussing till she Leta it out. I dont eat any spicy food or anything id think could upset her its really just alot of cereal, fruit or cold sandwiches
  • Its totally normal, my 7weeks old son was the same way, as soon as I change his diaper he's pooping again, and I exclusively breastfeed him..but now at 7weeks he only poops every other day.
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