So hubby and DS went to grandmas last night. I stayed home relaxed read a book and of course spent a good part of my night on here lol. I realized my mucus plug yesterday at about 5pm but figured i still had 2 weeks to go my EDDwas 7/25 well i woke up this morning at 8:03 with pain thought i ate something bad went to bathroom then went back to sleep. At 8:18 i woke up to a dull pain in my front and back and realized this might be it well i called my husband told him to hurry home so we could go to hospital....BOOM! Another contraction literally knocked me off my feet i sat on the toilet i held on to the towel rack in my bathroom and relaxed then not even30 seconds later another contraction! I held ontothe towel rack and it came off the wall!!! By that time i knew i couldn't wait for hubby so i call911 my they came and i was having contractions backto back they said i wouldn't make it to my hospital where i planned to deliver so i was taken to a local hospital...i delivered my baby girl on the stretcher as soon as they took me off the ambulance! Lol had her at 9:14am 7/11! 1hr of labor 3pushes and no epidural! OMG it was painful but ohhhh sooo very worth it!